Breaking Point

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Skylar's POV:

I could hear the words Trunks thought to himself but I didn't know what to do. It seemed as if my world was turned upside down then twisted and broken. As of now I was in west city thinking about what I could do to stop everything. Why did it have to be so confusing? One minute we are good friends the next I get to hear what he has to say about me. Whatever Gohan was on my side. But why? This causes pain in me. Like I can't withstand this.

Each step there were cameras flashing and people surrounding me. So what I stood up to Mr. Satan earlier.  He decided that if I were going to fight in an upcoming tournament that I would have to go easy on people. Of course I'm not like that.  Maybe, yeah I would go easy on some of them but no. I will not when I am ordered to. Taking orders from others is not what I do.

Gohan of course sat there is mouth wide open along with Videl's smile as someone finally said something. When I walked off I got all these news people following me. This will be a stressful day. These people took pictures right in my face and recorded everything I said. It was driving me crazy!

"Gohan come on Chi Chi is making dinner remember." he gave a slight nod and kissed Videl goodbye before we ran out of sight from the crowd.

"Finally." I mumble.

"That was stupid you know."

"I am not going completely easy on the man. Plus Videl seemed happy that I did do this." I laughed carefully taking off to the air.

"Yeah well Mr. Satan didn't seem so pleased so I will have to take care of things." His words made me happier as he caught up.

"But you don't mind because it's me right?" I batted my eyes and stopped noticing we were home already after the short flight from the city.

"Never would I mind." he laughed. "Race you inside."

With that he instant transmitted inside the house without another word. Deciding to follow I did and jumped on his back slightly slapping him gentilly.

"Cheater! "

"No just using my resources. "

"What ever." I said loudly grabbing a plate full of food and dug in.

"Great cooking Chi Chi. " and everyone stared at me.

"What?" and we all busted out laughing speaking that some of the food was burnt to the crisps.

Trunks' s POV:

I trained nonstop. Nothing would alow me to let anyone hurt hurt. No one.  My body ached and my mind wouldn't stop throbbing. Finally I walked out of the gravity room sweating and stopped hearing the news.

"Rewind that now!" I shouted at Goten who had been waiting for me to finish.

"What? Oh yeah Skylar was on the news dude. She seemed mad."

I just rolled my eyes and grabbed the remote from his grip. Sighing I listened as the TV went on.


"No Mr. Satan. I will not do anything of the sorts. I am strong and hard to push around. Now how 'bout you go train and be prepared for your own good. Because I will not go as easy as you want me to! Do you understand me!?!" Skylar was shouting as Mr. Satan began to scrunch down to the ground.

"Yeah, I'm concerned for other competitors not me. You see I'm the world champ. For many years now to." he was rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Whatever.  But know I will not go my easiest at all." She growled as Gohan sat in shock and Videl smiled as happy as ever.

*Finished with TV*

"See I told you Tunks. She's mad."

"Yeah yeah Goten. But she stood up for herself. I bet you she was on the verge of transformation."

Goten gave a simple nod to me as if in agreement. Quietly I sighed and started for the training room once more.

"Really Trunks?"


"Your going to train again?"

I stopped to think.

"Yes I am. I won't let anyone hurt Skylar. EVER! She is hard as stone but will soon fall like pebbles if I can't help her."

"You really care for her man."

"I sure do."

"Then why did you say those things about her?"

"I don't really know."

I really do care about you Skylar. I regret everything I said to Goku.

What ever. Trunks I'm hurt by what you said and I might be able to forgive you at some point.

She cut off our connection again.

I love you though Skylar. Forgive me.


So yeah I wrote this chapter so you could see how mad Skylar could get and how Trunks truly feels for her. I was also writing this because it reminds me of one's of my friends lol. So how does Skylar feel for Trunks? Will she ever find out about the truth? And why does Mr. Satan want her to go easy?

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