Frosting Kisses

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//This was on my Tumblr first, I decided to put it on here, so you can follow me on Tumblr if you want, my Tumblr user name is areyoujelix


I had just got done making cookies, the whole house smelled of them. I had sat down to read my book, music playing in the background, scooping the remainder of the frosting in the jar onto my spoon and licking it off as I read my book. I was waiting for Tyler to come over so we could hang out. Lately, he had been busy with work, I wasn't bitter it just sucked he had to work so much. At least I shouldn't be bitter after all me and him are just friends.

"I'll be back later y/n" Ethan called, I glanced up at the blue haired boy and nodded.

Ethan was one of my close friends and ended up moving in with me so I wasn't alone in the apartment.

"Okay, Eth, Tylers coming over anyway," I said closing my book with my thumb in between the pages to keep my place.

"I know" he smirked, "That's why I'm leaving to give you too some alone time" he winked.

"Shut up nerd," I said throwing a pillow from the couch at him, he caught it laughing "You know me and Tyler are just friends, he'll think I like him if you keep making weird comments like that" I huffed.

"But you do like him" Ethan teased bending down to tie his shoes.

"No, I don't! You know what just leave" I huffed "You call a guy cute once" I mumbled under my breath the pillow I threw at Ethan hit me in the head and I playfully glared at him.

Ethan quickly dashed out the door giving a quick 'see ya' before closing it. I sighed and got back to reading and eating the frosting, I was focused on my book when the door opened I glanced up and saw Tyler, I pretended not to notice him and go back to reading. I had been the one to invite him over in the first place, but I also wanted to finish the chapter.

"Hey! smells good," Tyler said sitting on the couch next to me.

I put up a finger telling him to wait a minute.

"Are you eating frosting out of the can?" he asked a bit judgmental.

"Shut up you ate a cold hot pocket cause you were too lazy to put it back in the microwave," I said putting my book down and smirking at him.

"Okay fair enough" he chuckled.

"We don't hang out enough anymore," I said.

"I know, I'm sorry I've been busy. Why is it so important to you anyway?" Tyler asked looking at me.

"It's not!" I said stubbornly "I just don't want to lose someone like you" I mumbled.

"Someone like me?"

"Nevermind... it's stupid" I sighed licking the frosting, Tyler knew better than to press me further about it.

We sat in silence for a bit and I looked over at him

"So you want to-" he was looking at me weirdly "why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

"nothing- what were you saying?" he asked.

"Oh, do you want to watch a movie?" I asked.

I looked back to my spoon it was almost gone I put the rest in my mouth and pulled the spoon out clean of frosting, I looked back at him.

"I have-" I was cut off my Tyler lips on mine, he was leaning over me as he kissed me.

I was frozen in place I couldn't do anything, eventually, though I melted into the kiss, he licked my lips and pulled back. I pushed him off of me.

"What was that for?" I asked covering my face trying to hide how red it was.

"You had frosting on your lips," Tyler said.

I peeked from in between my fingers to see him with a sly smirk.

"Well tell me don't kiss me!" I huffed.

Tyler gave me a worried look "You didn't like it?" he asked.

I paused feeling my face go even redder if possible "Well I didn't say that..." I mumbled crossing my arms.

"So you liked it?" he smiled.

"Didn't say that either" I huffed.

Tyler gave me a confused look, and let out a breathy laugh uncovering my face and looking at him.

"I'll uh leave... if you want me too," Tyler said.

"n-no... I mean you don't- I mean I don't want you to" I said.

"Okay," he nodded.

Awkward silence, at least it felt awkward to me, I was trying to gather up my feeling about the kiss, it felt like it was a dream, I looked at Tyler again and looked down. I coughed to break the silence and he looked at me, I met his gaze and gave him a soft smile to show I wasn't mad at him, it seemed to relax the worried look he had.

"Kiss me again" I mumbled.

"What?" he sounded surprised

"I said kiss me again.... before I change my mind!" I huffed.

Tyler smiled with a soft laugh before he leaned in slowly pressing our lips together again, this time I responded much faster, my hands were quick to tangle themselves into his hair leaning down slightly uncomfortably on armrest of the couch, I didn't mind at the moment, his hands went to my hips as we kissed, he licked my lips this time asking for entrance, when I didn't give him it his bit my lip gently causing me to gasp, he took that time to push his tongue into my mouth.

There was a small gasp from someone cause me and Tyler to pull apart, both of are faced flushed, I was almost hoping it was an intruder there to steal our stuff, but I looked up and met blueish-greenish eyes.

"Ha! I knew you liked him!" Ethan said though he was blushing too from walking in on us basically making out.

"S-Shut up!" I growled.

Tyler got off of me and I sat up.

"I'll leave you guys alone I just forgot my wallet," he said.

Ethan went to his room.

"So you like me huh?" Tyler teased.

"No that was a pitty make out," I said but then sighed "Fine... I guess I like you... a lot, that's also why I spend a lot of time with you, so you can't meet someone else" I admitted sheepishly.

"Why did you tell me?" Tyler asked.

"Because I didn't want to lose you as a friend," I said.

"Well... I don't want you as a friend" Tyler said.

I looked at him a bit hurt, Tyler, chuckled at my expression, though "I don't want you as a friend 'cause I want you as something more"


"Is that okay?" he asked.

I smiled at him kissing him gently "Yeah that's perfect"

"Awe" Ethan said.

I growled and started throwing pillow after pillow at him until he ran out of the house.

"He's gonna tell everyone isn't he?" I said.

"Probably" Tyler shrugged "are you okay with that?"

"Yeah... if you are," I said.

"I'm fine with everyone in the world knowing you're mine" Tyler smiled.

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