Pretty ~

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// Further proof my mind is weird AF, hmm hope you like it either way ^~^

{ Mark }
I waited in the living room for Tyler, he had lost a bet with me and now Amy and Kathryn we're helping him with his punishment. I smirked a bit walking to the door.

"You lady's almost done?" I asked.

"Almost!" Amy's voice came through.
I looked back at Ethan.

"I can't believe you're making Tyler do this" Ethan said "I don't know if this is gonna work the way you want it to" he added.

"With Amy and Kathryn behind it? I'm sure it'll work" Mark smirked.

"Okay all ready, he's a little in shock so don't be to mean Mark" Amy hit him playfully as she came out.

"Play Tyler, come out!" Mark called.

Tyler slowly emerged from the other room...

{ Y/n }
I was out at the bar with my friends Garrett, Shane and Ryland, me and Garrett were scoping out, of course the poor awkward boy would never actually find someone. My eye landed on a group that had just come in a few minutes ago. I grabbed my empty glass

"If I don't come back... Don't come looking" I smirked walking over and taking a seat by one of the girls in the group, and looked over at her, she had long dark hair with curls at the back.

"Hey there pretty lady" I smiled leaning on the bar table.

The girl seemed to freeze a bit before turning to look at her. Her friends seemed to be snickering making me a bit confused.

"M..." She coughed gently "me?" He voice was soft timid.

"Who else?" I asked.

She looked even better then I could of hoped for, she looked down then back up with a soft smile.

"I'm y/n" I said.

"I'm Ty-" she cut herself off "Taylor" she said with a sheepish smile.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful lady" I said.

{ Tyler's pov }
I was gonna kill Mark when we got home, taking me out like this. I lost a bet on a stupid game we were playing and he got to punish me for that. His punishment was to get me all dolled up and looking like a girl, and from some of the look from guys as we walked to the bar they seemed to make it work.

The shock was when someone had actually come up to me at the bar. I couldn't believe they thought I was a girl, I'll hand it to Amy and Kathryn, they knew how to fix me up, I was a little scared though, god knows there are some shitty people who would love to beat on me dressed up like this.

"Thank you" I said to y/n compliment, I had almost slipped saying my name was Tyler, and the voice, but luckly I was keeping it together, my friends has seem to stop laughing and just watch me. To be honest, y/n was kinda cute.

"How about I buy you a drink? Pick your poison" they said waving one of the bartenders over.

I ordered what I saw Amy order before allowing y/n to pay for me, the drink was pretty good, I wasn't into sweet drinks but still. I looked over at my friends who had all dispersed. Ethan has seemed to find some guy to talk to. Kathryn was also busy talking to a guy, except this guy seemed a lot more into her, Amy and Mark were dancing on the dance floor, Mark smirked at me before focusing on Amy. I turned back to y/n.

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