(Somewhat Naggy) Introduction

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This story has been 80% complete (actually five or so chapters left, but there's enough chapters for publishing). You do not have to wait like one month for a single, measly chapter. Please read this since it will be completed, like real soon from the release date of the first chapter.

I will be posting the first official chapter of this story five minutes after this note heh. Remember to vote, comment and fan!

Last but not least, I hope you enjoy the story. Thank you so much once again!


Hello there. Thank you for taking time to click on my story and read this. I'm really very happy that you have clicked on 'Never Grow Up'. Below is a description, but before that I'm going to make this author's note a little longer first. If you get bored of my rambling, you can just skip down to the 'Description' part. But still, please try to read finish my author's note!

I was doing an essay someday, writing about how I am a teacher (in the story, not in real life of course!) and not all students are perfect. Everyone is different and we've all got flaws. Anyway, I just got this brilliant idea and thought it would be a change from all my stories if I wrote something other than Romance. So here I am, writing out a short story about how a teacher managed to change the unchangeable. (But there's still Romance LOL. Towards the end, anyway.) --> Don't worry I won't be using such short forms or internet lingo in my story. :)

Okay, I have just come to the end of my author's note. If you're still reading, I'm extremely touched. Once again, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it! Please leave some constructive criticisms about how you feel and what can be improved. If you don't like something, please be nice about it and tell me nicely. If it's praise though, feel free to be generous... ;)

I would love it if you guys could support me throughout this story. I've pre-written the next chapter before I post one, I'm just waiting for a certain number of votes before I release the next chapter. I really, really want the support. :) So don't be afraid that this story is on hold. It will be complete in less than a month starting from the day this note is released.

Last but not least, don't forget to vote, comment and fan! Every comment is important to me, I will personally read through them and reply to EVERY SINGLE ONE of them. Votes inspire me too! And if you fan me there's like a 99.9% chance I will fan you back. So... you know what to do. :)

Love, Eli.



My name is Elisa Taylor. I'm a high school teacher. I'm nineteen, and I love teaching. Watching students grow up is one of my favourite things to do. From that gangly, awkward phase into the smooth ladies' man, or from the insecure nerdy girl with glasses into an outspoken, confident and well-like girl. All these transformation amaze me. Of course, whenever anyone needs help I'll offer them my hand.

But this story isn't about me. It's not going to be about my life and NO this is not a teacher-student relationship for heaven's sake. This isn't the movies, you know. This is reality, hard core life.

It's about Blake Manson. The story is about a him, who was basketball captain from his old school and then got sent into a youth rehabilitation centre for getting into a messy, bloody fight with the rival school. For good behavior, he got permission to go to school in the morning and return to the centre in the afternoon. But for that to happen he must transfer schools.

So he came to the school I was teaching at, and became the student of the class I'm form teacher of. He's an interesting lad, who smokes even though it's not allowed and is feared by his fellow classmates for his notorious past. Still, I can see that he has a good heart underneath all those scars. Not many can see that too, sadly.

And now, I've started a mission. A quest to make sure that Blake turns out how he's meant to be: bright, caring and - basically - a good kid. It's not going to be an easy ride, but believe me I've got time and you'll never find a person as stubborn as me.

So this is his story. The story of Blake Manson. 

Never Grow Up {Watty Awards 2012: Teen Fiction}Where stories live. Discover now