chapter 10 ~ creepypastas meet fanfiction

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   (BEN's POV)

   'I can't sleep,' I sigh. "I guess I can go see that "other" side Moony was talking about." I get out of bed and step over my numerous game system controllers.
   Knock! Knock! I open the door. "Oh your awake," Jeff blushed, staining his pale cheeks. "Moonacre sent me to get you. She said that we have seats we have to sit at. And to look up the websites on the paper given to us." I shrug more worried about Jeff.
   "Hey Jeff," he looked at me with his black and white eye-lidless eyes. "Are you okay? Your face is really red. You're not sick are you?"
   "He is fine," Moony spoke up. "You two sit next to each other. At your normal computer Benny-boo." I didn't even realise we had made it to the computer room so fast.
   I take my paper. Jeff did also. She gave us smiles, but the one for Jeff was slightly sinister.
   'A note?' I see on the bottom.

        ~Hey Benny-boo,
    I'm sorry about earlier. You weren't supposed to get hurt. So I'm giving you only fluffs. A fluff is a character and another character in a relationship, but its only hand holding, cuddles, and maybe a kiss or two.

   'She is making it up to me,' I gasp. 'She is so nice. Maybe she will play a game with me.' I quickly enter the first fan fiction she set up for me.

    (Jeff's POV)
   I wanted to kill her. She had to be mocking my feelings. The first one was a smut.... Rephrase she gave me porn about me and BEN. 'Its kinda good,' I blush. Then I hear a girly shriek in anger. I look around to see Masky pointing at her in anger.
    (Masky's POV)

   "Give me my paper and if I'm next to Toby I'll kill you," she only raised an eyebrow. She pointed to her grid paper.
   "Okay Masky," she snarled. "You and Hoodie are here with Slither. Toby is next to BEN and Jeff," She glared at me. Hoodie chuckled silently. "So don't start on me."
   "May we have our papers?" Hoodie asked without stuttering. She smiles softly and hands them over. "Thank you." She waved us on.
   "I hate her," I growl. Hoodie only frowned at me. "What?"
   "You need to cool it Timothy," Hoodie hissed. "She only fights fire with fire and lightning." He then ignored me.
   'Stupid newbie,' I sit and go to my first site. "AHHHHH!" (It was more of a girly squeal but I'll let him think he is manly.) I pointed my finger at her.
   She looked at me in confusion. She walked over and started reading. She then looked at me in wonder, "Masky are you shy?" She set placed her hands on her hips. "That is a fluff. A cotton-candy fluff." She shook her head and walked off. "Idiot. Hey EJ how you doing?"

   (EJ's POV)

   Moon asked me his I was doing. I was shaking from laughter. She gave me a comedic fanfiction. Well I found it funny, but apparently its "scary". It was funny as hell.
   "Fine," I laugh. "I love this. Its about me. If I was human I would be freaking scared for my life." She nodded. Her mask was on. She must have put it on when she was done handing stuff out. So I couldn't tell if she was happy or not.
   "I'm going to check on the others," I could hear the mirth in her voice. So she was happy that I enjoyed her choice for me.

   (Everyone else's POV)

Those with fluffs : 'Oh my Zalgo this is adorable,' Or, 'this is too cute! Why am I still reading it?' Even, 'Next one. Never again. Never.'
Those with lemons: 'This is good,' Or, 'I'm paired with who? Wait that sounds interesting,' Even, 'An mpreg? What the hell is that?'
Plot with porn: 'OMZ WHAT THE HELL AM I READING!? WHY CAN'T I STOP READING IT?!' Or really that's it. Its Slenderman's thoughts.

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