Gryffindors Hate...

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For this one I had to do a lot more research because I'm a Slytherin, if I weren't a Slytherin I'd be a Ravenclaw, if I weren't a Ravenclaw I'd be a Hufflepuff, and if I weren't in Hufflepuff I wouldn't be in a house at all. Anyways, here are some things some of my Gryffindor friends (AKA those people I really don't talk to unless I have don't have any other option) have told me.

Gryffindors hate:
-Trying to impress people of a higher role than their own.
-Cowardice (duh.)
-People that are TOO willing.
-Artists critiquing them.
-Cats meowing super loud (random but this is what most Gryffindors I've asked said.. 0_0)
-Messy/greasy hair.
-Their mistakes being over traumatised by others.

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