Most To Least Likely To Survive In A Zombie Apocalypse

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Okay, if I'm going to be honest, I'm sure that during a zombie Apocalypse the houses would ream up with a Slytherin or a Gryffindor as the leader because of their traits but whatever. Whos the most to least likely to survive ALONE in a zombie Apocalypse?

Slytherin - we are generally pretty smart and are definitely not afraid to do what's needed for our survival.

Ravenclaw - after all, they are the smartest house and I'm pretty sure they'd figure it out that sometimes violence is the answer (especially during an Apocalypse.)

Gryffindor - although I said who would survive alone, if we're being totally honest, they'd try to save everyone or end up accidentally doing something that gets them killed.

Hufflepuff - do I need to explain? Sorry guys, but I promise that if their is a zombie Apocalypse, I'll help you stay alive :)

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