An Attack on your Pride Part 1

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Okay, this specific attack on your pride is when someone says you have a crush on someone you actually hate/just don't like in that way. Your (house's) reaction?

Hufflepuff: Umm... Think what you want..?

Gryffindor: If you think I have such a big crush on him/her why don't you just go tell them? It'd save us both time. (They say this because they know the accuser won't do it.)

Ravenclaw: I do not love him/her, I'm too busy loving a fictional character who just so happens to be my future husband/wife. Thank you, good day.

Slytherin: Haha, you're funny! Now why don't you go over to your little friends and tell them. Heck, tell the whole school! Oh, wait, I might as well go tell them about how much of an idiot you are. I'm much worth more than him/her and I could definitely do better, though they're a perfect match for you 😠

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