Which Voltron character are you?

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I bet 70% of you reading this have no clue what Voltron is. Its a show. Its pretty wierd, I must say but then again, so is Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings.. Anyways, if you like cartoony anime's, go watch it and don't say I didn't warn you!
Also, sorry about the irrelevant posts.
Here's one now: I am going to be updating on Saturdays and Wednesdays from now on unless I feel super special and want to update more or I have something going on to where I can't update.

Hufflepuff: Hunk

Gryffindor: Lance (and Coran)

Ravenclaw: Pidge (and Allura)

Slytherin: the original spicy boy, Keef (I used to have Lance here and idk why but I fixed it now!)

...and Shiro is a mix of all if them!

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