What the Houses do when they're home alone as kids

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Sorry for the late update! (I mean, seriously, its 12:15 AM where I live right now.)
Down in the bottom there is a comment chain from xEasilyComplicatedx  Feel free to join it and share your own unique food combos!

Hufflepuff: Being a good girl/boy like they're supposed to........ NOT! They're probably watching movies and shows their parents told them not to, the little rebels!

Gryffindor: Making a mess in the kitchen by combining every single sugary thing they can find together and eats it.

Ravenclaw: Spending their time on Wattpad reading some very questionable fanfics...

Slytherin: Looking around to make sure there's no hidden cameras (I dunno, parents can be really sneaky..) and then sings their heart out to Disney songs.

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