What Silence Holds

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Just a warning this chapter might be a little triggering. There is a suicide attempt so just letting you know.

"I don't see why you're getting so angry all of the time, Jai. I'm the one with anger issues not you! Grow up already we're all tired of your attitude!" Luke screamed at Jai. Jai had been in a bad mood all week, and to make matters worse, he hadn't said one word extra the entire video. Luke was sick of his twin's attitude and wanted it to stop. What he did not want is exactly what he got.

"Ok." Jai mumbled out, not even fazed by Luke's sharp temper.

"That's really all you have to say?!" Luke was beyond angry.

"I don't know what you want from me, Luke. I'm trying but that probably won't be good enough for you either."

"Jai," Luke clenches his jaw, "Why don't you come talk to me when my brother comes back."

Jai looked down and then left the room. He wasn't happy. It was hurting the people he cared about as well as himself, and he was sick of it. He let out a sigh and flopped down on his bed. He didn't know what to do anymore. He couldn't eat. He couldn't sleep. Luke hated him....

Jai decided he needed to leave those thoughts before they completely consumed him. He got his phone out and opened his Twitter app. Making a post would help him calm down.

@JaiBrooks1: Hate how people get all up in your face-

He started to type, but then deleted it. He didn't want his fight with Luke to escalate. He just wanted to sleep.

@JaiBrooks1: Love you!

He decided to type instead. He was sick of hurting the people he cared about. Jai knew what needed to be done and he was going to do it.

Jai got up and walked over to his bedside table. He opened the top drawer and pulled out a bottle of sleeping pills that he had bought off some drunk guy at a bar for this exact purpose.

He popped one into his mouth and swallowed. The next 3 became easier. He swallowed the 5th one and was about to swallow the 6th one, when his door opened to reveal an apologetic Luke.

"Hey Jai, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for earlier. I was way out of line and- what are you doing?"

"I was chilling on my bed before you showed up." Jai manages to get out hoping that Luke would hurry up and leave. Luke, on the other hand, was eyeing the sleeping pills. Jai didn't take sleeping pills, yet here he was with an open bottle of them in his hand.

"How many have you taken, Jai?" Luke demands before reaching over to try and knock them out of his brother's hand. Jai was faster than him, and jerked back. He quickly brought the bottle up to his lips and dumped several in his mouth to try and swallow before Luke could stop him.

"No!" Luke screamed, knocking the rest out of his hands. "BEAU CALL 911!!!" He then tried shoving his fingers down Jai's throat to try to get him to throw up some of the pills.

"What's going on?" Beau questioned, when he ran into the room after Luke called him.

"Jai just swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills!" Luke scrambles out, slapping Jai to try to make sure he stays awake. Beau's eyes go wide, but he immediately took action and called an ambulance.

Paramedics arrived and loaded Jai onto a stretcher, but The remaining two brothers can only watch in stunned silence.

"We better get to the hospital, too." Beau mumbles.

Beau drives them to the hospital only to find out Jai is in the process of getting his stomach pumped.

"You mind filling me in?" Beau finally breaks the silence.

"I don't know." Luke admits. "We were fighting and I lost control and yelled at him. After I calmed down I went to apologize and found him with a bottle of sleeping pills....what are we going to do Beau?"

"Apologize. We let him down when he needed us, so now we support him." Beau answered wisely.

Soon, a doctor came out and asked, "Family of Jaidon Brooks?"

Luke and Beau stood and approached the doctor for news on their little brother.

"I receive cases like this all of the time. When he wakes up, Jaidon will probably be fragile both mentally and physically. Be his support system and he should be ok."

Once they finally entered Jai's room, both brothers were surprised to see Jai sitting up glaring at his hands.

Luke immediately ran to his twin and engulfed him in a tight hug.

"Jai!" Luke cried, so happy to see his younger twin again.

"I wanted to die. You should have let me die, Luke." Jai mumbled brokenly.

"Jai, no-" Beau starts, but Jai just cut him off.

"No, save it Beau." He turned to Luke, "I swallowed those pills for a reason, Luke. I wanted to die, and you should have let me. It may be selfish, but I-I just can't do this anymore. I can't be the person you want me to be, so why not end it all? There's really no reason for me to be alive."

"You're alive because I need you here, Jai." Luke begins, "I need you, and I honestly don't think I can live without you. If you were to die, then I would die tomorrow. It's Luke and Jai. Not just Luke or just Jai."

Jai tried to stop the small smile that forced itself onto his face. Luke smiled back and then continued.

"And I don't want you to be anyone other than Jai. You may not realize it, but you're an amazing person. I'm proud to be your twin, and I wouldn't have you any other way."

"That was just adorable!" Beau gushed,  effectively ruining the moment. "You're going to therapy, though, Jai."

"What? Why? You can't make me, I'm an adult!" Jai shouted.

"True, but me and your doctor both think it's a good idea. I technically can't force you to do anything you don't want to do, but I can stop you from participating in any videos until you start going. I'm sure the boys will back me up, too."

Jai groaned in frustration.


Should I do a continuation of this that involves the therapy session?

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