How Could You?

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I was sleeping so peacefully when a girl appeared in front of me. I couldn't quite make her out, but she was leaning near my face so I acted on instinct and kissed her. It felt so real, almost like it was real. My eyes shot open at the realization that I was in fact not asleep. I pushed the girl back, and was shocked to see the girl was actually Luke's girlfriend, Maggie. What had I done?

"What? Maggie?" I groggily questioned. I was half-asleep and didn't realize what I was doing, so she shouldn't be too mad at me. Then again, she had kissed me back.

"Shh. Jai. Just live in the moment. What Luke doesn't know, won't hurt him." She chuckled, making me feel horrible. I didn't know if she had been cheating on Luke or not, but I didn't like the fact that she was so willing to cheat on him.

"What's going on here?!" Luke's sharp voice broke me from my thoughts. I guess it looked weird him walking in to his girlfriend on his brother's lap. Before I could say anything, she was already running to him with fake tears in her eyes.

"I just walked in the room and the next thing I knew, he was grabbing me and kissing me!" She cried, burying her face in his chest.

"Luke I-" I tried defending myself, but Luke was just too angry. His eyes were practically blazing with firery rage.

"Save it, Jai!" Luke yelled. "Do me a favor and never talk to me ever again! Come on Maggie."

I was my brother drag his evil girlfriend out of the room. Yes, I had accidentally kissed her, but she still kissed me back. Luke wouldnt listen to me, though. He chose to believe her instead. It was like years of being twin brothers meant nothing to him.

I decided to talk to Luke the next day. I though that maybe he would have had time to cool down and listen to reason, but that just wasn't the case.

"Luke can I talk to you, please!" I begged my twin. He gave me a harsh glare.

"What could you possibly have to say to me, Jai? Nothing you say could possibly fix what you've done."

"Just let me explain! I was half asleep and didn't even realize who I was kissing." I explained quickly.

"I dont believe you. Who kisses someone randomly when they're half asleep. If you're going to make up lies, at least make up believable lies." Luke huffed.

"You know me, though..." I whispered.

"I thought I did, but I guess not. As far as I'm concerned we're not even twins anymore. You're just some messed up Freak that happens to look like me!"

"That's a low blow, Luke. I'm not lying and you should know that."

"A low blow? What did I hit an insecurity?" Luke chuckled sadly. "Well guess what my heart is broken because Maggie dumped me!"

"What?" I froze. I didn't realize she had broken up with him.

"She didn't feel safe around you anymore. She said it was hard to date someone that looked like her attacker. But you don't care, do You? I was going to propose to her, Jai. Had the ring picked out and everything."

"Luke, I'm sorry, but I'm not lying."

"Can you just stop being selfish for once in your life?" Luke cried, before running out of the room. I was shocked. Luke never cried. I was the crybaby of the family. Luke was usually the one comforting me.

I stared down at my hands, guiltily. I know I was innocent, but I had still kissed her. Maybe the part where she kissed back was just me dreaming. I don't think I was dreaming, though. I had never once thought of Maggie that way. She was my twin brother's girlfriend. I could have never done something like that.

I still hated myself for causing Luke to cry. Luke was right. I was nothing, but a selfish Freak. That's all I've ever been, and that's all I'll ever be. I walked towards Luke's room without meaning to. I was just so guilty and wanted to comfort my twin. Through the door, I could hear his harsh sobs and cries of 'I hate you Jai'.

It broke my heart hearing him, but what also got to me was he was going to propose. He never even told me that he was thinking about doing something like that. I had thought we told each other everything. I guess not anymore.

I wandered into our older brother's room and wrapped myself up in his blankets. It always made me feel better to sleep in his bed when I was younger, but now I just really needed to talk to him. The one person that never took sides in any of mine and Luke's arguments.

I just really hoped Beau believed me. It was bad enough that Luke hated me right now, but if both my brothers ended up hating me then I don't know what I'd do.

This was originally supposed to just be a one-shot, but since this turned out so good I'm going to make it multiple-chapters. I'll post this first chapter here and then I'll continue it in a separate book. Just make sure you go to my profile and hit that FOLLOW button so you don't miss it when I do post it. Also comment and let me know what you did or didn't like about this. Thanks.

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