Chapter 2

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Dean's mouth fell open at the same time Emmanuel's eyes went wide. Time seemed to stand still for a second and then Dean was surging forward, pointing a finger at Emmanuel and stammering, "You... you're that..."

Emmanuel looked at him with wide eyes and he muttered, "I, erm,"

Dean looked confused. There was no way that this could be the same guy that had blown him last night. This guy was blushing furiously and looking nervously down at his hands, which were clutching a bag of flour tightly. He looked like a frightened schoolboy who'd gotten his hand caught in the cookie jar.

"So what is it really?" Dean asked taking a step closer an putting on his best smile.

"What is what really?" the man asked, his voice still gravelly and sexy as fuck.

"I'm guessing it's not Emmanuel?"

The man blushed furiously and shook his head. He bit his lip and looked around a few times before answering, "That's my, uh, my stage name."

"Yeah I figured as much," Dean replied, eyeing the man and trying to figure out how this guy was the fucking sex god he'd been dreaming about a few hours ago. "You gonna tell me your real name?" Dean asked.

The man cleared his throat and chewed his bottom lip slightly before whispering, "It's Castiel."

"Castiel?" Dean raised his eyebrows, "Sounds exotic."

Castiel looked down at his feet. "It's actually the name of an angel."

Dean had to laugh. "So you're a stripper working for an agency under the title of Emmanuel which means "God with us" and you're named after an angel?"

"Shh," Castiel hissed. He glanced at the people walking past and then back at Dean. "I like to separate my work from my personal life."

"Aw shit," Dean said quickly, "Sorry man."

Castiel waved him off and then started to walk away. Dean followed with a, "Hey!"

Castiel rounded on him and narrowed his eyes. "If you're thinking that you can get me to come home with you, think again."

Dean put his hands up. "Whoa. No man."

Castiel eyed him and Dean gave him a sheepish smile. He didn't really know what to do now. He would very much like to back to his apartment and have Castiel fuck him into the bed sheets, but it was obvious that this guy was quite different from his porn star alter ego. Hell, if this guy didn't have Dean's cock in his mouth last night, Dean would have easily mistaken him for some normal guy that spent his nights researching rocket science shit.

"I just wanna talk," Dean tried, giving Castiel a genuine smile.

"Well forget about it," Castiel hissed at him, heading for the checkout.

"Oh come on, man," Dean cried after him. He grabbed Castiel by the sleeve and Castiel hesitantly turned to look at him. Dean's mind grappled for something to say and then he grinned broadly and leaned in close to Castiel, noticing the fact that the man smelled like a warm summer breeze. He whispered into his ear.

"I know what happened last night. After you made me come, you came all over that nice red carpet." He could feel Castiel shift uncomfortably and he held on tighter as he continued, "And I also know that you liked it, you liked getting me off and watching me come undone. I was told that you don't do private sessions, so am I the exception?"

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