Chapter 3

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"Yeah?" Dean replied, his voice husky.

Castiel smirked and then pulled the coat open, shrugging it off his shoulders slowly. Dean's eyes went wide and Jesus fuck, Cas was gorgeous. Dean's eyes traveled from the diamond dog collar around his neck to the fishnets that came to his knees. Straps attached them to the thin, lacy underwear that completed the look and Dean had never gotten a boner so fast.

"Like what you see?" Castiel asked in that fucking sexy voice of his.

Dean nodded stupidly and then made an inhuman gargling noise as Castiel produced a leather leash from somewhere. He attached it to the collar and then gripped the leash in his hands. He pulled it taught between them and Dean's breath hitched.

Castiel let his eyes travel over Dean, lingering slightly on his obvious erection, which tented his jeans. Cas turned around and Dean's eyes swept over the curve of his ass, which was accentuated through the thin lace of the undies. He was heading in the direction of the bedroom and Dean was up faster than Castiel could crook a finger at him to follow.

His shirt and jeans were off before he even got through the door. Castiel cracked a small smile as Dean fumbled with pulling down his boxers. "Eager are we?" he asked and that was definitely Emmanuel speaking.

There was nothing Cas about Castiel right now. He was in work mode or something and Dean loved it, loved the way that Castiel grinned at him and flexed his muscles slightly while tapping the belt against his thigh. Damn was he hot.

Castiel snapped the leather of the leash again and then pointed to the bed. "We're going to do things a little differently," he said, voice level, "Lie down on your stomach and do not move unless I tell you to."

Dean obeyed, trying not to seem too eager. This is what he'd been waiting for, for Cas to take control like he had back at the bachelor party and Crowley's. Dean wanted Cas to fuck him so hard into the bed so that he wouldn't be able to walk.

He sucked in a sharp breath as he felt Castiel's hands skim over his legs and then up to his ass. Castiel pulled down his boxers and Dean lifted his hips to help get them off, but stopped when Castiel slapped him hard across the ass.

Castiel's rough voice came from somewhere above him, "Stay still, remember?"

"Yes," Dean choked out, his ass stinging from the force of Castiel's blow and fuck did it feel so strangely good and arousing as hell.

He felt Castiel walk his fingers up Dean's back and then back down, almost as though he were deciding what he wanted to do. The second slap came soon after and Dean cried out. "Shhh," Castiel hissed, kneading the angry red flesh of Dean's buttocks with his palms.

Dean had to stop himself from arching up into the touch and he gasped out when Castiel's hands slid over the stinging flesh and then down to the V of his hips. Castiel pressed up slightly, raising Dean's hips from the bed so that Dean had his ass in the air, venerable and waiting for whatever else Castiel had planned for him. The possibilities made his dick throb from where it hung between his legs. He was never one for spanking or that sort of thing, but with Cas, hell he wanted it all, even if it meant that he was going to be sore for days afterword.

Dean hissed as Castiel's fingers stroked over his sore flesh. He was such a fucking baby and Castiel hadn't even properly started yet. He grit his teeth and gripped the sheets tightly as Castiel slapped him again and again, the sound echoing through the room.

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