Chapter 7

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Cas slept until the first knock of Sam's knuckles sounded on the door. Dean answered it, letting Sam and Jess into the apartment with a forced smile. Sam returned it and made room for Jess, who was carrying a large casserole. Cas was still in the bedroom and neither Sam or Jess asked where he was. They just made their way into the sitting room after putting he casserole on the counter.

Dean lingered by the doorway of his bedroom, not sure if he was supposed to go in and get Cas or just wait until he came out. The decision was settled when Cas emerged from the door, clutching a book to his chest and sporting a slightly dazed look.

Dean took his hand as soon as Cas set the book on the counter next to the casserole. Castiel gripped Dean's fingers tightly as he went to face Sam and Jess's smiling faces. Sam stood up and hesitantly inched toward Cas, glancing quickly at Dean to see whether Cas was going to jump him if he got too close.

Something burned in Dean, at that Sam thought that Cas was something that might go off it he got within firing distance. Cas wasn't a frightened animal or whatever. He was Cas and Dean didn't want Sam treating him like he might explode if he was so much as touched.

Dean had never been more grateful for Jess when she got up from the couch and pulled Castiel into a tight hug. Castiel tensed up briefly, but then he relaxed into Jess, burying his nose in her hair and gripping her tightly.

When she pulled away she said softly, "Hey, Cas." Her eyes crinkled when she smiled at him. "How are you doing?"

"Better," Castiel replied, smiling wider.

Sam pulled Castiel in for a hug and Castiel hugged him back tighter than he had Jess, then he went to sit down in one of the chairs that sat across the couch, saying, "Please sit."

Sam and Jess sat on the couch and Dean padded his way over to stand behind the chair Cas was in. It was too quiet for his liking, although Cas seemed pretty at ease with just sitting there and watching Sam and Jess, who were both tapping their fingers on their knees.

"Well this is awkward," Dean mumbled, before he realized that he'd said it out loud.

To his surprise, Castiel let out a bark of laughter and turned his face upward so he could look at Dean. There was more light in his eyes and it made Dean grin like a fucking idiot. Without thinking he bent down to place a kiss on the tip of Castiel's nose, noting the little sigh he got in return. He would have gladly climbed into the chair and onto Castiel's lap, but Sam coughed, reminding him that his brother and his sister-in-law were both watching him nuzzle his boyfriend, who was grinning up at him with a genuine smile that made Dean's insides flutter like someone had released a bunch of butterflies in his stomach.

Dean settled for just holding Castiel's hand instead, so that their intertwined fingers were resting on Castiel's shoulder as Castiel turned to address Sam and Jess, "How are you two doing?"

"We're fine," Sam replied.

"Everything's going well with the baby?" Dean asked, absently stroking his thumb over Castiel's as his eyes flicked to Jess.

Sam nodded enthusiastically and Jess made a face before looking down at her stomach and saying, "Don't tell me I'm showing already."

Sam laughed and took Jess's hand in his, whispering something into her hair, which earned him a smack on the knee and a giggle from Jess. Dean looked down at Cas as he watched Sam and Jess. He was still smiling and it made Dean smile as well. Cas was doing such a good job, hell he was doing fucking great for having thrown up just the other night.

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