Chapter 4

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Dean woke the next morning with a crick in his neck. Castiel was draped across his body, one leg nestled between his thighs, his breath beating against Dean's chest. Dean smiled and kissed Castiel's cheek. Castiel stirred and opened one sleepy eye.

"Morning sleeping beauty," Dean said.

Castiel groaned. "What time is it?"

Dean glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table. "It's almost eight."

Castiel sighed and snuggled closer to Dean. "Then we should sleep for at least another two hours."

"I wish, but I've gotta go to work," Dean bemoaned.

Castiel pouted a bit, but sat up. He stretched and Dean watched the muscles of his back pop and roll. He would never be able to figure out how he ended up with this guy. Cas was just so fucking amazing and it helped a lot that they had both basically admitted that they were in love with each other, whatever the hell that meant.

"What time do you have to leave?" Castiel asked, looking down at Dean.

"In about an hour and half," Dean answered, absently stroking his thumb over Castiel's thigh when the sheet slipped down a bit. "Do you hafta go in today?"

Castiel shook his head. "I don't go back till Sunday."

"Well then we have all of tonight to try out that thing you were talking bout yesterday before we went to dinner."

Castiel's face perked up and he grinned. "As long as you're up to it."

"Does it involve my ass taking another beating?" Dean asked.

"You'll have to wait and see," Castiel replied and Dean had no idea how his voice could drop an octave like that.

He smiled and sat up enough so that he could press his lips to the black ink that was on Castiel's ass. He kissed his way up the feather until he could turn Castiel around and kiss his mouth. They stayed that way for several minutes and then Dean pulled away with a, "I gotta take a shower before I go."

He got up and headed toward the bathroom, but stopped as he opened the door. He turned around to look back at Cas. "I'll be home at six. You gonna go back to your place?"

"I'd rather just stay here, if that's okay with you."

Dean shrugged. "Fine by me. You let me crash at your place last time so mi casa es su casa or whatever. Just don't mess with the shows on my DVR."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Castiel replied with a grin.

He gave Dean a long languid kiss before Dean left for work and Dean was on cloud nine the entire day, whistling to himself and drawing weird looks from the guys at work, but he didn't give a shit. He was in love, yeah actual fucking love and he didn't even try to find a secluded place to call Cas on his lunch break. He even mumbled a quick "love you" before he hung up and he could practically see Castiel's grin as Cas said, "Love you too."

When he walked through his door that evening he was surprised to find that Castiel wasn't crashing on his couch. He wasn't in the kitchen either, although Dean's pantries were stocked full of healthy shit and he smiled. Cas was the best fucking boyfriend ever. Dean finally found Castiel in the bedroom and his mouth nearly dropped open.

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