Chapter 5

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Castiel had the water running and was already under the hot spray by the time Dean came into the bathroom. He slipped into the shower, thanking God or whoever was upstairs that he had one big enough for two. Castiel had his back to him and Dean stepped forward, wrapping his arms around Castiel's middle and letting the hot water warm his skin.

"You okay?" he murmured against the slick skin of Castiel's shoulder.

"I'm fine," Castiel replied, leaning back against Dean.

Dean placed a kiss to the side of his neck. "If I had a better job I'd put you through college."

Castiel turned around in his arms and met his eyes and shit Dean always forgot just how amazing those baby blues were. "Dean you're already so good to me," Castiel said, gripping Dean's arms tightly, "And I don't need to chase down a dead dream."

Dean's brow furrowed and he said softly, "Don't say that. If you still wanna be a teacher later down the road then you're damn well gonna be one." Castiel's eyes flicked away from Dean's gaze and Dean tipped Cas's face back to look at him. "You hear me?"

Castiel brought one of his hands up to cup Dean's on his cheek and he sighed. Dean leaned down to kiss him softly and when he pulled away Castiel said softly, "I love you, Dean. I love you so much."

"I know, baby," Dean replied, pulling Castiel against his chest and making the water squelch between their bodies.

Castiel went limp against him and Dean ran his fingers through Castiel's hair, slicking the wet strands back from his head so that he could kiss Castiel's forehead. They were quiet for a few moments, just standing under the steady flow of water and then Castiel said, "I'm sorry if Gabriel was rude to you. He's just a bit overprotective sometimes."

"Nah he was fine," Dean replied, moving them so that he could lean against the tiled wall, "And it's good to know that you have someone else besides me looking out for you."

Castiel bit his lip and nestled closer to Dean, pressing against him so that their bodies were flush. Dean moved his hands over Castiel's shoulders, massaging the tense knots out, and then to his back until his palms rested at the small of Castiel's back, cool against Castiel's water warmed skin.

He leaned down and sought out Castiel's lips, catching them in a chaste kiss which quickly became more heated as Castiel pressed closer to Dean, grinding their hips together. Dean nudged his tongue against the seam of Castiel's lips and Cas opened hungrily for him, sucking him in and moaning loudly.

Cas pulled away and looked at Dean with wide, blown eyes. "I love you," he said again and his grip on Dean's arms was actually painful.

"I love you too," Dean replied.

He kissed Castiel again and moved so that they could switch positions. Castiel groaned as Dean moved his lips down to the pale skin of his neck and Dean could hear him panting, "I want you, Dean."

"How?" Dean asked in between needy kisses.

"I don't fucking care," Castiel growled before thrusting his hips into Dean's forcefully.

Dean hissed at the contact and he could feel Castiel outlined against his thigh. He braced one hand against the wall and inched the other one down to grab Castiel's cock, which sprang up as he stroked it in one long motion. Castiel made a tiny noise in the back of his throat and his nails scraped against the wet tiles of the shower.

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