Chapter 4

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I'm only 10 minutes into my walk when I hear my name. "Roslyn! Roslyn! Hey! What are you doing?" What does it look like I'm doing? I'm walking home cause my stupid brother left me! "Walking home" "You're walking home? That's like 3 miles!" I hadn't really thought the whole walking thing through. Although I could walk 3 miles, right? "Yeah, my brother kinda left me so..." "You want a ride?" "No it's okay." Even though Brian and I were sorta friends now I didn't want to sit in a car with him. I'd just embarrassed myself enough by falling asleep in the bed of his truck. "Roslyn get in the car." "No, I'm fine." "Roslyn" He just stares at me. I start toward the passenger side. He leans across and opens the door, I get in.

It's silent and that causes my thoughts to wander back to this past summer... John was traveling the coast looking for a good school to go to. He'd left me with mom at home. While he was gone mom broke down... She'd been going through boxes of stuff and found some photo albums with my dad and sister in them. I walked in on her crying and looking at the pictures. I told her to stop and she did but, she locked herself in her room after that. She blames herself for what happened to my sister, Alice. Oh Alice. It'd been a while since... "Roslyn... You okay?" "Huh? Yeah I'm fine, why?" "You're crying." I wasn't... I wiped under my eyes, wet, they were damp from tears. I wiped both eyes, "I'm fine. Just allergies." I think he knew I was lying but, he didn't push. "Oh okay. Well we're here." I look up and sure enough there it was my little one story home, with three rooms and two baths. A perfect home for our small family.

I look up at Brian, "Thanks for the ride." I open the door and get out. I walk up the driveway and towards the house. "See you tomorrow" he yells as he's pulling out of the drive. I look up and wave. I think to myself, 'see you tomorrow'.

The week went by pretty fast and the days went in this order:

Morning Classes, Lunch, more classes, Brian would drive me home everyday unless Ashley drove me to her house to do homework. From her house I could walk home because she lived in the neighborhood. Ashley and I were becoming really close. Ashley wasn't my only friend, Brian and I were becoming good friends to. He was starting to not push the whole being friends thing and it became a regular thing for us to talk in the hallways and even at home. We would talk till one of us fell asleep. It was nice having him back, it was nice having a guy to talk to who isn't your brother. Brain would come over on the weekends and since John was always really busy he would just sit around with me on the couch and we would watch movies. Things between Brian and I were going at a pretty good pace. Last weekend we decided to get out since the temperatures had dropped a little. We went to this old observatory, I think the name said "Lowell Observatory", I couldn't tell though some of the letters had fallen off. The observatory wasn't much, no one ran it and the machines inside didn't work but, it was free and the pictures and information inside was pretty cool. Brian asked me at the laboratory if he could be an official friend. At first I laughed but, I realize he was serious and of course I said yes. He's done everything to earn my trust back.

(September 5-The first Friday of the month)

I heard the bell ring but, I had been so distracted during class I hadn't really been paying attention so I was still copying down what was on the board. "Roslyn! Come on! It's time for practice!" I grunt, "I know I know. Let me just.... write.... this.... last.... sentence..... done!"

It's Friday! Every Friday the gym coach makes us practice controlling our mutations.

I close my notebook and stuff it into my backpack. I get up and follow Ashley to the gym. Luckily no one is out of the locker rooms yet and the coach is in his office. We run into the locker room and hurriedly get changed. We don't have a uniform so I change into a pair of turquoise Nike shorts and a white tank top. I slip on my tennis shoes and run out to the bleachers. Not many girls are out yet. Correction, no girls are out yet, except Ashley and I. All the guys are out and sitting on the bleachers.

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