Chapter 8

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That night I dreamed about the simulation... My father was trying to kill me, same gun, same closet, same fear. I didn't get much sleep so I wasn't very happy when my alarm went off at 7:00. I didn't feel up to doing much after yesterday's simulation and my sleepless night. But I got up and took a shower anyway, I decided I was just gonna tell Brian that I wasn't up for much. Hopefully he'd understand and would just let me rest, possibly stay and watch movies with me.

I put on a pair of black sweats and my Oklahoma sweatshirt. Before I left my room I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I wasn't one to check if I looked okay before I went out because I didn't really care.

My dark brown hair was still wet but, neatly fell down past shoulders. Mom hadn't cut my hair in a while so it had grown out a lot. I had dark circles under my eyes, proof that I'd gotten barely any sleep last night. My eyes were more brown than green today adding to the "no sleep" affect. My thin figure made it look like the sweatshirt was swallowing me whole. I liked it.

I walked out to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar. I wasn't very hungry but, I needed to eat something. After a while John walked in, when he saw me his whole face went tense. After last night I can imagine why. He was so upset, scared that I'd died or something, he's very over dramatic. He'd called my cell, Brian's, Ashley's and my mom.

I honestly don't know why he freaked out so bad. I was only gone a couple hours later than the usual. Although he got really mad when he found out I was with Brian which I don't understand since they're best friends.

"Why are you up so early?" he asked me. "I set an alarm, it went off and I got up." I spat back at him with slight sarcasm. He just have me a blank stare and was silent. "Brian is coming over to take me somewhere." I said knowing he was still waiting for a real answer but a soon as I said it he tensed. His whole face was rigid.

*knock knock knock*

I was saved from his lecture I could tell was coming. I started towards the door, expecting to see Brian since it was a little after 8:00. Before I opened the door I whipped around to face John who had followed me out of the kitchen and to the front door. He just stood there leaned up against the wall. Right as my hand touched the knob John spoke up, "Make sure you tell him you're busy because you can't go with him."

I ignored him and opened the door. There he was, basketball shorts and a worn t-shirt. His dark hair styled neatly and his blue eyes, so handsome. "Hey Rozzy...." He stopped mid-sentence. I turned and saw that John was giving him the death stare.

After John told me I couldn't go I was suddenly up for hiking.

"Hey I'm gonna go put clothes on and then we can go." I said to Brian. He nodded and smiled.

I started to my room and shut the door. I grabbed some nike and an old t-shirt from my dresser and slipped them on. I then grabbed socks and my tennis shoes.

I walked back out of my room to find no one in the living room but faint whispering coming from the kitchen.

I walked in on John and Brian having a heated conversation. Actually John was the only one talking but he immediately stopped when I walked in.

"You ready?" I asked Brian.

He looked at me then at John. John turned around an started walking towards me,

"You'll have her home by 6:00."

He definitely meant it as a statement and not a question.

"So do I need to get my permission slip signed by mom too?" I asked John. He rolled his eyes, breathed out then pushed past me.

I looked back up to Brian who was still standing in the kitchen. "He's an ass." "Roslyn, you know he's just trying to protect you." I sighed, "Can we go?" A light smile came across his face, "Of course."

We got into his car and were off.

We haven't said a word to each other since we left the house, I was going to change that. "What'd he say to you?" I ask sternly. He kept his eyes on the road and didn't answer. I repeat myself, "Brian, what did John say to you?" He breathes out a sigh and answers, "Guy stuff..." "Seriously Brian? I know John didn't talk to you about guy stuff so let's try this again. What did John say to you?" He's silent for a moment. "He told me...." He waits a few moment before finishing. "He told me that you don't need another person walking out on you and leaving you hanging so if I was planning on using you then he was going to personally..... um ruin me." he's silent for a moment.

"My dad walked out on us," I breathe, "that's what John meant when he said that." Brian doesn't say anything and I'm alright with it.

We get out of the truck and start down the trail. It's quiet for a while. The only sounds made are those made by animals that live nearby, the wind blowing the few trees that still live in this hot and dry place, and the sound of our shoes crunching against the rocks.

A sudden warmth surges through my hand, Brians hand is holding mine. I feel safer, happier. I want to tell him about my father, my sister, I trust him.



"Can I trust you not to tell anyone what I'm about to tell you?"

"Yes." That's all it took and the words tumbled out of my mouth.

"My father is a human."

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