Chapter 1

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AUTHORS NOTE: BEFORE YOU READ!!! I want to just let you know that my story is based on ideas from the book series "Divergent" and the movie series "X-Men." I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment! Thanks! -REN

I think I might throw up, this is crazy! I'm so nervous to the point that I might throw up. Maybe I'm over reacting, no one should be this nervous for their first day of 9th year, but I am. I mean I have a good reason. Who wouldn't be nervous, you're in an enclosed space with a ton of people you don't know. I mean not only do I not know them but, one of them could be reading my mind... This is normal of course, someone being able to read your mind. It's just another one of the many mutations there are.

Mutations.... I honestly don't understand why they call us that. We're human beings too, sorta, we just have special abilities. I mean what do we call them? Well we call them humans but, we should be calling them mutants! Since they don't have the same genes as we do! Maybe they're the mutants and we're just... My thoughts are interrupted by a loud banging on the bathroom door.
"Roslyn! You've been in there an hour. Are you done yet?" An hour! Is that really how long it's been. I normally take like 20 minutes. I mean I don't own any makeup so, I just shower and put up my hair. "Roslyn, I'm counting to five and then I'm breaking down the door!" John wouldn't do that, he just spent most of his money putting in a new one because his um friend took Johns phone and locked himself in the bathroom, idiot. "1" No he wouldn't. "2" He just started saving up again. "3" Would he? "4" He would, he doesn't really think things through, he just does things.
I open the door right as he begins to say "5". "Sorry I um.... " "Roslyn." I can see it in his eyes, he's worried. I didn't even look at myself before I walked out of the bathroom. I probably look sick, just the way I felt too. "Yes John " "Are you nervous?" "What's to be nervous about?" If I told him I was nervous, even though he's super protective and strict, he'd still make fun of his little sister. "Well it's the first day of your 9th year, ya know, the day where everyone watches you use your mutation" "I'm not nervous. I'm... excited actually. Anyway I have to get out of my PJ's so excuse me" I give him a big grin and walk to my room and shut the door.

I pull a pair of jean shorts out of my closet then head to my dresser and grab a tank top. It's extremely hot, like always, it never cools down in Arizona. I shimmy on the shorts, put on the light pink tank top and grab a gray sweater from my closet, I get cold easily. I finally put on my flip flops, grab my phone and open my door and head downstairs.
Once I'm downstairs I see John sitting at the dining table and mom in the kitchen. This is strange since she normally doesn't cook breakfast. She always has to leave early for work. "Mom, what are you doing? Aren't you going to be late for work?" She turns around and gives my a huge smile. "Cooking pancakes! First day of school, I thought I'd make it special and I called and told them I'd be in late." "Thanks mom!" I say. I know what she's doing is nice and all but, even though she'll only be late an hour she still gets paid less and we depend on her paycheck. I wish John and I could get jobs and help out but, within the wall you're not allowed to have a job till you're out of college, some human rule.
I sit down and eat a few pancakes. After two pancakes I'm full so I check the time, shit! It's 8:00! It takes 15 minutes to get to school, depending on traffic and I want to be early. "John can we go?" I would drive myself but, my car was totaled in a car accident. We took it to the shop but, they have more important projects than my car so I haven't gotten it back. He looks up with pancakes stuffed in his mouth and syrup dripping down his chin. "Let me finish" he mumbles, almost spewing pancake bits everywhere. I wait another 5 minutes and he gets up, wiping his mouth. He grabs his keys and starts for the door. "Thanks for the pancakes mom!" I say hoping she hears me as I close the front door.
We walk to John's car, a big black Ford F-150. It's not like the ones the humans drive, I'm guessing. It's slightly banged up, I mean so are everyones cars. John and I were lucky to both have cars, the humans limit supplies, such as cars. But they are generous enough to give us cars, schools, colleges, jobs..... I can't believe I just said they were generous. I push the thoughts away because of how ridiculous they are and climb in to the truck, throwing my 20 pound backpack in the backseat. He turns on the car and backs out of the drive way.

As we pull into the school I start to get that sick feeling again, like I might throw up. But somehow the feeling starts to dissipate, but something replaces it. Cold. I'm cold now. "Roslyn! Stop!" I look up to see the dashboard frozen and the steering wheel beginning to freeze. Another scream from John snaps me back to reality and I stop the ice. It starts to recede until its completely gone. "Sorry" I whisper. "I was almost a mutant popsicle!" John jokes. I know he's just trying to calm me down and lighten the mood, so I smile.

I get out of the truck and grab my bag. Thank goodness we have lockers, if I had to carry this around by the end of the day my back would be broken. They make us learn all about the mutant war in school and about why we are where we are today. In order to learn all this stuff, they made huge books containing all the oh so important mutant history information.

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