Chapter 7

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"We're here" he said. I'd been watching my hands fiddiling with a string that had frayed from my sweatshirt. The sweatshirt my sister got me when I turned 13, a gray, Oklahoma sweatshirt, that was obviously meant for a guy since it was twice my size. I'd put it on after we left the school, it always comforted me.

I looked up from the string and saw that we were in a torn up parking lot. There was a building that was crumbling to the left, clearly very old, and a trail leading into a thin wooded area to the right. I thought we were going to the canyon? We're in an old parking lot..." I said. Being the little smart ass he is, he responded "Very observant Rozzy, but you have to walk to the canyon from here."

He got out of the car and so did I. We walked past the crumbling building and I happened to get a glimpse of what was inside. I saw a few torn stuffed animals and some shirts, a souvenir shop? Either Brian could read my mind or I spoke my thoughts because he answered my question. "Yeah. We're at one of the Grand Canyon National Parks so, that's an old souvenir shop." The Grand Canyon. My dad use to take me to these places when they were open. People would always come here to clear their minds until the humans decided that having us mutants so close to the wall was a safety hazard. Not for us, no, they could care less about us falling into the canyon. They were worried that we would rebel and try to climb the wall or break it down.

I was brought back to reality by Brian's tight grip on my wrist and him saying my name. "Roslyn? Hey, you okay?" I looked around and noticed I was standing in the crumbling building holding one of the dusty stuffed animals, a wolf. It was gray with blue eyes just like Brian's. I looked up and answered Brian, "I'm fine. Just um... You think I could keep him?" I asked, I liked the wolf. He was cute and reminded me that there was once a better life.

Brian laughed, "Of course you can keep him Rozzy." He had a huge smile on his face which I returned with one of my own. "Now come on." He grabbed my hand and pulled me further from the building. We walked together hand and hand to a clearing just past some trees. Brian stopped suddenly and whipped around to face me. He startled me and I froze our hands together. He just smirked and said "Calm down Rozzy, I wasn't going to let go." I blushed, I didn't mean to freeze our hands. "Close your eyes." He said. For a second I just stared at him until he spoke again, "Trust me." it took me a few more seconds to realize I could trust him so, I closed my eyes and felt him move forward a couple feet pulling me along. "Okay, open." When I opened my eyes I could see above the wall and down the canyon. It was beautiful. The canyon was layers of different oranges. The sun was setting over the canyon making the view even more amazing. I breathed in the fresh air, ah crisp.

Brian's arms were wrapped around my waist. I leaned into his chest and tilted my head back far enough so that I could see his face. He looked down, "So what do you think?" I looked back at the wall and the view beyond it. It was amazing being able to see over it. "It's breathtaking."

I looked at the view for a few minutes and watched the sun go further down behind the canyon. My view quickly changed to Brian's face when he gripped my waist and turned me around.

We looked at each other for a while.



His eyes flickered to my lips than back up to my eyes.

"Yes." was all I said and then he kissed me softly at first but it quickly deepened.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my one free hand through his hair. His on my waist tightened just as the kissed deepened more.

His grip loosened and our lack of air caused us to finally separate. As soon as his lips left mine I the crisp air engulfed me and I shivered.

"I'm cold."

"You get cold easily."

"You realize I create ice, right?"

"So that's why you're so cold hearted!"

I just stared at him with my mouth open, "Take me home." I wiggled out of his grip and started down the trail but, I was quickly stopped by Brian grabbing me and pulling me back into him.

"I'll take you home if you let me take you some where tomorrow."

I looked at him, he had a huge smirk on his face and looked quite mischievous. I was still mad at him for his comment so I decided to use it against him, "Hmmm I don't know if that's a good idea." I said this with the same smirk he'd had on just a few seconds ago. His smirk was now replaced with a serious face.

"Let me take you somewhere."

"Wow... okay. I was just kidding."

He smiled at me then dropped his hands from my waist and started walking back the way we came from, I followed.

We got into his truck and started to my house. We were pulling into my drive way when Brian finally spoke, "So I'll pick you up at 8:00 in the morning." On typical weekends I don't get up till 11:00. "Brian. You seriously can't pick me up later?" He turned and looked at me straight in the eyes, a small smirk grew and he said "So 8:00 then?" "Oh my, ok. I'll see you then." I got out of truck and walked around the front stoping close to his window. "Wear something you can hike in" "Brian are you crazy? More hiking?" he looked slightly confuse than let out a light laugh. "We walked a trail today. That was not hiking."

I sighed. "Bye" I said to him. "Bye." he said back.

I started towards the front door as he pulled out of the drive. When I stepped into the house John was standing by the door with his arms crossed over his chest.

AUTHORS NOTE: In the picture imagine the wall being there because obviously I wasn't able to find a picture with a wall in the middle of the Grand Canyon, lol.

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