Bear investigates 🐻 short

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Bear lifted a paw and lowered his nose to the forest floor. He'd trodden on something of a strange texture. He sniffed at the thing, cautiously. The thing didn't have an identifying smell. Unusual. It was a mixture of smells. The smell of decayed leaves and animal defecation must have come from the floor, but there was something else too. Bear sniffed the thing again, snuffling his nose at it as he tried to identify its smell. He jerked back when something pricked his nose, and touched his nose with a paw. The pain subsided, and Bear leaned down again. The thing was moving, wriggling. But he still couldn't identify its smell, and he still didn't know what it was. Gently, he prodded at it with a claw. It wriggled again. Grunting, Bear watched it a moment longer before deciding it didn't really matter. He ambled on into the forest.

> written using 'Bear' (a beautiful app) in 2016

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