Bells // short

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Extremely random, on the spot, and written very hastily. Unedited. Not gonna change it. I think.

She always enjoyed having a laugh. Laughter always brought out a light in her, a glow. Her eyes would light up like soft flame, her laughter would ring out in peals like bells. She laughed easily, she laughed often, she laughed loudly, she laughed beautifully.

It took her fire from her. When it took her laughter, it took her fire, her energy, her life force, almost. And it happened so suddenly, but I know that if only we'd paid attention, maybe we'd have seen it. We should have seen it. Should have done something before it took it away. But we didn't.

It didn't happen suddenly, in hindsight. It was slow, degenerative, and progressing at a steady rate that seemed to speed up until we realised too late. Funny how people fail to see things until those same things have come and gone into the distant past. Funny. But not something to laugh about.

It was almost as if she were fine one day, then an empty husk the next. She was alive, but not living. We should have known, we should have known. We should have known.

It's all over now. She's gone, she's gone, she's gone.
No more laughter, no more glow, no more of that soft flame.
No more peals of bells- though I hear the toll of a bell now. Fitting, that.

In her life, there have been bells to signify events. Her christening, her marriage, and I suppose her laughter was bells itself. And now, to signify that she has no more laughter.

It's all over now. She's gone, she's gone, she's gone.

Oh, there she is now. She's asleep, I can see through the hanging blinds by the window. The nurse checking her vitals looks dead on his feet.

I'm waiting for her to wake up. To laugh. Laugh at something. Anything.
She used to laugh so easily.

She's gone, she's gone, she's gone.

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