Squirrel stockpiles 🐻 short

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Squirrel munched on a particularly crunchy acorn, observing the other forest dwellers on the floor below. Over there, Bear was feebly attempting to catch a fish. Beare was in the water, with the bees hovering overhead. Squirrel turned her attention back to her acorn, gnawing on the hard shell. In frustration, she cast the nut out of the hollow, hearing a faint rustle as it landed, somewhere. She turned her gaze over the remainder of her hollow, and, seeing the haphazardly stockpiled acorns, sniffed and scampered out of the hollow. It wasn't a big enough stockpile to last the winter. Yet. Especially if other squirrels were going to try and take her nuts. Squirrel twitched her nose and flicked her tail, stopping temporarily on a low-hanging branch. She twitched her nose again and sprinted down the tree and into another. She needed more acorns. Her stockpile was too small. Other squirrels could steal if they wanted, but she was going to have the biggest stockpile of them all.

> 'Bear', 2016

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