Infinity // snapshot

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A 200-word or so descriptive piece I wrote this year (2018) for a creative writing unit in uni, inspired by "Night Road to Ceduna" by Joanna Morrison. I'm quite fond of this one :).

Out here, I must be the last person alive, the expanse of darkness around me threatening to swallow me up whole. I am a speck, a fragile package of organs and red liquid, standing in echoing nothing. Above me are millions, billions, trillions, whatever-illions of stars glittering, looking down at me from lightyears away. It's cold, the winds streaming past me in every direction, rushing to get to places and meet other people, toss other people's hair up in the air. I can hear the rush, the rolling and crashing of the tide below, the black water a moving line along the horizon I can't discern from the night above.

I am surrounded on every side by blackness, and the stars won't help me find my way out.

It's terrifying standing here, with no idea of how I reached this place. How did I become walled-in by the infinite? There are stars, right there, -illions of them; the Milky Way, the Southern Star, others I long forgot the names of. They're so painfully close, too far away to touch. No help to me now. People used to use them to navigate, find their way. They offer me no such guidance.

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