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WARNING: This chapter contains depictions of violence, fighting and multiple uses of each and every curse word. Please proceed with caution.

The green ring of his eyes is darkened and his breath is coming in rapid pants. His face is burning red and he's about ready to snap.


Oh Harry. Young and naive Harry. The seventeen year old with no patience. He's a sweet boy, really. But his walls are built so high up that no one can truly reach him.

"Don't talk to me like that, you know your father doesn't like that". "Fuck off, Mary. You had no right to get me a babysitter. I can take care of myself".

Mary rolls her baby blues and walks away, her six inch heels clicking behind her. Annoyed,  Harry turns and runs up to his dad's room.

"Dad, you can't let me be babysat. You can't". "It's only for two weeks". "You mean they're staying"? "Yes. Rose is staying here with you in your room". "Where do I sleep"? "The guest room". "Why can't she"? "You're the one that messed it up". "Your whore is the reason". "Harry, I don't want to hear it. I'm leaving in 5 minutes and you better be on your best behavior. Do not be an ass. Be nice to her and treat her with respect. And if you so much as try to hurt her or scare her off, you can kiss martial arts goodbye. Do you understand what I'm saying"? Harry rolls his frustrated eyes and walks to his room, starting to take his things back and forth from his sanctuary to the guest room, his feet stomping across the cream carpeted floors as he does.

A loud ding sounds across the 2nd floor, making Harry scowl and ignore it. Knowing Harry won't open the door, Mary does instead. She pastes a fake smile on her face and welcomes the girl with a hug.

"You must be Rose. I'm Mary, Harold's step mother. Thank you so much for coming on such short notice". Rose nods and walks in carrying a blue suit case beside her. "I must warn you, Harold is in one of his moods and he probably won't come out all night. But if he gives you any trouble, just call us and we'll be sure punish him. In the mean time, make yourself at home".

Rose nods once more, her caramel hair bouncing. "So, while you're here, we expect you to cook and clean up after yourself. By no means will you let him invite anyone over or let him leave. Understand"? For the third time, Rose nods, following Mary to her new cell. "I work, but I get out way before he gets out". "Okay. Just be sure you pick him up". "Will do". Mary gives a fake smile and a fake hun. "We'll be on our way. I guess I'll see you in two weeks". "Yeah. See you then". "Also, would you please help Harold with his French? You said you're fluent, yes"? "Yeah. I am".

Mary gives another false hum at Rose's lack of enthusiasm and storms out. Rose only smirks and starts to unpack her things. This job pays well and given the amount of foreign objects around the house, she can tell she'll be needed often.

A door slams downstairs and Rose assumes the two have gone to catch their flight. With a sigh, she leaves the room and starts to wonder the house searching for Harry's whereabouts.

To her surprise, Harry's in the first room she looks in. The walls black and splattered with red, the carpet stained gray and the ceiling white, a glimmer of sparkle here and there.

She turns her attention to Harry, becoming captivated instantly. His pale skin is begging to be marked, his unruly green hair crying to be pulled, his plump pink lips yearning to be kissed. She stares longer than intended, catching Harry's attention.

He wants so bad to flirt but since she's his babysitter, all he can come up with is, "What"? Rose frowns, his attitude catching her off guard. "What would you like for dinner"? "Food". Rose rolls her eyes and huffs. "What do you want Harold"?

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