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Dinner is a bit awkward the next night.

Harry can't meet Rose's eyes and she honestly doesn't know what to say. What is there to say? Maybe start with good news?

"So, as it turns out, after this week, you'll be staying with me for a little bit. Your father and Mary have to go to Spain for a bit and want the house empty". "Oh. Did they say how long"? "Two months". Raising his brows, he shakes his head before looking at her confused. "Two months? They're going to be gone for Christmas"? Damn. She didn't think about that one. "I mean... They could come home early". "I doubt it".

Shoving his plate away, Harry frowns. "I'm not hungry". "Harry. Please eat". "I don't want to". "Please? It's your favorite". "I'm alright". Sighing, Rose sees if she can lure him into a more submissive headspace. It'd be so much easier if he'd stop fighting it. "You haven't eaten all day. You need food so you don't feel sick. Please eat something". "But-". "Please". "No". Stubborn little- "Okay then. Don't eat your favorite meal in the entire world that I slaved over all day. I made them just the way you like it. But it's okay. I won't have hurt feelings". Sighing, he begins to eat.

It'd be a lie to say that Rose doesn't feel the slightest inkling of pride. At least he's eating. "How do they taste"? "Really good". Laughing she passes him a napkin. "Don't talk with your mouth full". "Sorry".  They finish dinner in comfortable silence. Though usually Harry finds it to be overrated, it's quite nice this time.

"What are we going to do for two months"? "Well. In two weeks I have to go enroll you in school". "That when my suspension is lifted"? "Yeah". "But I can't go back to the same school"? "I'm afraid not. They also want you to start going to therapy". "Therapy"?! "If you don't want to, I understand". "Why the fuck would I want that"? "Language". Her voice is so stern that he can't help but apologize. "I don't want to do that". "Okay. We'll find something else then. Okay"? "Okay. Thank you". "My pleasure".

As Harry goes to speak, Rose's phone begins to ring. He's always wondered why every ringtone is classical music. Strange. "Hello". He tries to hear what the other person says, but it's to no avail. "Now? Seriously? It's so late. Vince, we can't. That's so not fair. Okay. Okay. Fine. I'll be there soon". Hanging up, she gives Harry a smile. "I know it's late, but I have to go for a bit. I promise to be right back". "Back? You're leaving me"? "Considering how you were acting yesterday, you're kind of not allowed back. Do you need anything before I go"? "No". "You'll be fine for just a little bit"? "Not like you care". Rolling her eyes, Rose starts for the door. "Call me if you need anything". Rushing out of the house, Rose leaves Harry all on his own. He's already bored.

"So. What was so important that you needed me to-". Pausing, she looks at the room full of suited people. "What's going on"? "Rosie. Glad you could make it". Antonius walks through the crowd of men and gives Rose a smile. "These people are all here to congratulate you". "Congratulate me on what"? "The owner of Compabasso wants your recipes". Woah. "Seriously"? "Seriously. Congratulations Rosie". Throwing her arms around him, she gives him a tight hug. "Thank you so much, Antonius". "What for"? "For giving me a chance". "This is all on you, Rosie. Your talent got you here. Not me, not Annamarie and definitely not Dante. This is all your doing and I couldn't be any prouder of you". Kissing her forehead, he ruffles her hair and hands her a glass of wine. "To Rosie". "To Rosie", the crowd repeats. "If I would have known we were celebrating I would've worn something a little fancier.

It's officially midnight. Harry is beyond worried. Usually when Rose says she'll be right back, she's back within an hour, but it's been four.  Something doesn't feel right.

Right before the worry can really settle in, there's a loud bang on the door followed by muffled voices. Going completely still, Harry looks around for a weapon. The closest thing is an umbrella. That's damaging enough. Picking it up, he tiptoes toward the front door. "Hello"? The voices stop and the door swings open. Closing his eyes, Harry begins to swing wildly. "What the hell, man? My thanks for delivering your bloody babysitter back home safely"? Opening his eyes, he sighs in relief and drops his weapon. "I thought you were an intruder". "An intruder with a key? Cause that's totally logical".

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