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Everything is so brand new.

It's nice though. The change. Harry loves it. He loves spending all his time with Rose. They've only had sex once. It was the best moment of his life. Ever since then, they've been busy moving into her new penthouse.

He hasn't spoken to his father. The only calls he gets are the ones from Rose when she goes to work. Those are his favorite.

"Are you hungry, baby"? "No. I'm okay". "Are you sure? I can swing by for lunch". "Swing by. I like it when you sound like a true American". He can practically hear her smile through the phone. "I can talk to you in Italian if my American accent bothers you so much". "I won't know what you're saying, but go for it. I think it sounds hot anyway". Her laughter does something to him. Every time he hears it, his entire body feels warm. It's the prettiest sound in his world. "I want to come see you for lunch". Before he can answer the elevator dings signaling someone is on their way up. Probably the maids. "Come see me then". "What would you like me to bring"? "Cheese pizza"? The elevator doors slide open and Rose's voice becomes much clearer. "I had a feeling you'd say that".

As he hears her voice, he springs up and rushes to her nearly tackling her as he hugs her. "Careful, H", she laughs. "Sorry. I just missed you". Wrapping her free arm around him, she hugs him back. "I missed you too". Pulling back Harry looks at the pizza and then back at her. "How did you know I was going to ask for pizza"? "I didn't".

Walking to the kitchen, she sets the pizza on the counter and lifts herself to sit next to it. "Dig in". "No plates"? "Who needs plates when you have a box"? He's never smiled as much as he does when he's with Rose. She just makes him so happy. Happier than anyone could ever make him. It sucks to think that in four days, he'll have to leave all of this to go back to school. "What's that frown for"? Looking up from his pizza, he shakes his head. "Nothing". "It's not nothing. What's up, Babe"? Lowering his head, he spits out a nonsensical sentence. "Ireallydon'twanttogobacktoschoolbecauseIwon'tseeyouasmuchasIdonowandIlikeseeingyoubecauseyoumakemereallyhappy". To anyone else, that would be absolute gibberish, but Rose understands him perfectly.

Tilting his head back, Rose kisses his lips just once. "Don't think that way. I can still stop by to have lunch with you at school. And then when you get out of school, I'll be there to pick you up and we can spend the rest of the day doing whatever you want. Then when it's time for dinner, we can make it together. We'll spend as much time as you would like together. Okay"? Nodding, he laces their fingers together and continues to eat in silence.

"Halloween is coming up. We've been invited to a costume party". "Really? What are we going as"? "I don't know. I thought it would be cute if you were a baker and I was a cookie". "A cookie"? "Yeah. Something Katy Perry like". "Ah. So you get to look all sexy but I have to be covered up"? "Would you like to go to this adult party dressed as a sexy seventeen year old baker"? "Well when you put it like that-". "That's what I thought". As her phone rings, Harry can only sigh. Rose hears it too and she couldn't feel any worse. "I'm sorry, baby". "It's fine". "I'll be super fast, just let me get this right quick". "Okay". Stepping away, Rose leaves Harry to finish his pizza in silence.

He's happy for her. Really he is. She loves her job and she's always wanted to move up, the one thing he isn't liking the is all the personal calls. She can make her own hours, but can never escape the calls. Sighing, he wipes the grease from his fingers and closes the box. So much for lunch. "Okay. I'm back". "You have to go, don't you"? "Not for an hour or two. I mean.. unless you want me to go". "No"! Flinching at his loud voice, Rose smiles and he forces himself to quiet down. "I mean, I don't want you to go yet". "Good. Come on, let's take a nap". Holding her hand out, she watches as he walks over to her and picks her up from the counter top.  Smiling to herself, she kisses his neck sweetly as he walks off.

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