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This is hell.

It has to be.

Pain is everywhere.

In his hair.

His teeth.

His nails.

His skin.

His bones, muscles, and nerves.

Hell, even his soul.

Everything is on fire.

He tries to call out for Rose, but it hurts to even attempt to speak. Groaning, he tries not to cry. It hurts even worse to form tears.

"Hi baby", comes her soft voice.

He tries to look for her, his eyes straining every which way to gaze upon her face. But she's no where to be found. "Everything fucking hurts".

"I know. The doctor just gave you some medicine. You'll feel better soon".

He continues to try and look for her, but turning his head is not an option right now. Groaning, he tries to breathe through the pain, but it's no use. That hurts too. "Please", he grunts. "Let me see you".

Seeing him like this. In so much pain. It breaks her heart harder than it's ever been broken before. She hates this. So much so that she's been crying for the last twelve hours. Though she doesn't want him to see her like this, she would be heartless to deny him. Sitting closer to him, she looks down at him sadly.

"What's wrong?", Harry grunts.

"You're hurt. Really bad".

"Did he fuck up my face"?

She shakes her head. "Not your whole face. Just your eye and your lip".

"Do I still have all my teeth"?

Chuckling, Rose nods. "Yes. You still have all your teeth".

"My penis still works"?

At this she actually laughs. It's her ugly laugh and the sound of it makes his heart flutter.

"Yes, H. But he cracked your ribs and gave you a concussion. Who knows what other trauma this did to your brain".

He goes to lift his arms into his line of sight, but quickly decides against it. "Is my arm broken"?


He gives a small shrug, regretting the movement instantly. "I can still jerk it".

She doesn't like this. Why is he so calm about this? So nonchalant? "Harry. This is serious. He could've killed you".

He rolls his eyes. Xavier doesn't deserve that much credit. "No he couldn't. My body is the best temple ever built by man. I could pick up an elephant with my pinky".

She cracks a smile. It's small and doesn't last long. But he sees it.

"You're beautiful", he whispers.

"Your medicine is kicking in".

"You're still beautiful. I love you".

"I love you too. But uh.. your dad is on his way up and I don't know when I'll be able to tell you that again".

His heart beat picks up on the monitor stood next to him and Rose feels so bad for doing this to him.

"I don't want him here, Rose. I don't want to see him".

"He wants to see you. You're his son".

"That's never mattered to him before".

"H. He'll be here any second. You don't have to like it. You can hate it with your whole heart. That's perfectly fine. Trust me when I say I fucking hate it. But if you want to stay here with me, we have to act like Rose and Harry. Not Mommy and her sweet boy. I love you, I love you, I love you. And I will be here all day. I just can't hold your hand, or kiss you. I can't even touch you. And it kills me. But we have to".

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