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WARNING: This chapter has mentions of menstruation, depression, drug use, and sexual acts. By no means do I condone the sell or use of illicit drugs. This story is fiction as are all the portrayed acts and characters.

She doesn't expect Harry to say anything to her.

She expects he'll be in a mood or throwing some sort of temper tantrum.

To her surprise, however, she doesn't care.

Just doesn't have it in her.

So she leaves him to sleep by himself and goes down to the living room. Laying on the couch lazily, she flickers on the t.v. but doesn't have the energy to pay attention to it.

There's nothing on her mind. Nothing in it. Today, she just doesn't feel like doing, thinking, or saying anything.

The sheets are cold against his skin and as he tries to find her warmth, he finds himself frustrated. "Mommy, it's-". Opening his eyes, he frowns as he finds himself all alone. "Cold. Mommy"? Figuring she's making breakfast, Harry walks to the restroom and brushes his teeth. Once finished, he rushes down to find her, but stops when he sees her laid on the couch. No breakfast made. Not even tea. That's not even the part that bothers him. What really gets to him is how she seems spaced out but angry nonetheless. Scared she's still upset from last night, he nibbles nervously on his bottom lip.

"Mommy"? Looking up at her boy, Rose offers a smile but he can see she doesn't mean it. "What is it"? "I'm sorry I was upset with you last night. I know you have to work and grow up and stuff, but I just want you to myself. I want it to always be me and you having fun. I know it's stupid and if I made you mad I'm really sorry". "Awww. No. Come here, baby". Opening her arms, she smiles as Harry curls his way into them and leeches to her side. Rose kisses his head gently, her fingertips massaging at his scalp. "I'm not mad at you. I never was. I just don't really feel very well right now. I'm sorry if I made you feel-". "No. Don't say sorry. Not to me. Just let me make you feel better. Okay"? Smiling, Rose sighs and ruffles his green fringe. "It's not one of those feelings you can just fix. I'm... It's.. It's that time of the month". "That"? Sighing once more, Rose becomes increasingly frustrated, but not at Harry. Just at her loss of thought.

"H, you know about that one week a month. It only happens to women". Still confused, Harry tightens his arms around her and snuggles further into her body. "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to know, but is this week gonna make you leave me"? "What? Harry, no. Why would you think that"? "I don't know. Is it like a work thing"? "No. Just.. it's not important. Moral of the story, Mommy doesn't feel her best today, but I'm not going anywhere. Okay? I promise". "Okay. Can I make you something for breakfast"? "Fuck!", Rose whispers. "I'm sorry, Baby. I didn't even think about how hungry you'd be. No. Let me make you something to eat". As she tries to get up, Harry holds her to the couch as he shakes his head. "No. I can make something by myself. You don't feel well". Smiling, Rose shakes her head at him. "I don't want you hurting yourself". "So kiss it better if I do". "Cute, but no. Get up, please".

He debates it for a moment.

While he doesn't want to push his luck, especially with her feeling ill, he doesn't want her exhausting all her precious energy. So he looks up and kisses her lips gently. "No. Not until you say I can cook". "H-". "No. Let me take care of you. Please, Mommy. Just for today. Then you can go back to being in charge and yelling at me for not listening". Chuckling, Rose gives up, also, unbeknownst to her, confirming Harry's worries in the process. She never gives up.

Choosing not to let her see through his anxieties, Harry smiles. "I'm going to make you the best breakfast ever. Just stay here". Feeding off of his smile, Rose nods. "Okay. Tell me if you need help with anything. It doesn't matter what that anything is. If you give it your all and you find you need my assistance, do not be embarrassed to ask for it. That goes for everything, H. Not just cooking". Nodding, he kisses her cheek sweetly before detaching himself and standing. "I'll be right back, I promise". Giving Rose one last infectious smile, he scampers off to the kitchen and begins to find the ingredients for his favorite sad day meal.

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