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She has no clue what his problem is.

At first she thought it was her, but then, she considered the pattern.

Every day when she picks him up from school, he has the most sour face a boy has ever worn. He doesn't speak on the drive home, doesn't even look at her. Just clenches his jaw and looks out the window. Then, when they get home, he goes straight to the spare room and locks himself in until dinner. After which he waits until she goes to sleep and slides into bed with her. In the morning he loves her,  then he gets home and it's the same grumpy story.

Only today is different. Today, Harry isn't just angry, he's pissed.

It starts with a slammed car door. It jolts Rose back into reality and contorts her face into an annoyed one. "Hey? What the hell, H? Be careful".


"Excuse me"?

"Ugh!", Harry groans. "Just leave me alone"!

Ooh, she wants to wrap her fingers around his jaw and ask just who the fuck he thinks he's talking to. But she won't. Not now. No. She'll hold her tongue and wait until the time permits.

Once they get inside their once happy home, she doesn't even give him the chance to lock himself away. Before he has a chance to get just two steps away from her, she pulls him back by his backpack and watches as he falls to the floor. Taking this as a moment to gain the upper hand, Rose climbs on top of him and pins his arms down with her knees. He's becoming far too familiar with this position.

"Get off of me"!

"No. Not until you tell me why you're being so nasty to me".

"Because you do stupid shit like this! You think you can just throw me around and spank me and pull my hair. I'm fucking tired of you"!

It's like the hardest punch to the chest she's ever felt. It takes her breath away and leaves her feeling vulnerable. But she won't let him see it. "Yeah? You're fucking tired of me and all my stupid shit? Then you won't have to put up with it any longer. This, I swear to you". Standing from her previous position of dominance, she walks away and leaves Harry feeling disgusting.

She's not the one he wanted to blow up on. Really it's that bastard Xavier that should be at the receiving end of this anger. Unfortunately, Rose was just in the way.

Groaning, Harry gets up and sulks up to their room. He tries to open the door, but finds himself sighing when he's met with resistance. "Come on. Let me in".

"No. You're tired, so go be tired".

"Rose. Stop. Just open the door".

Rose doesn't say anything. Just turns up the volume on the television. This only adds fuel to Harry's fire.
"Open the door, Rose". When she says nothing, he grits his teeth and stomps to the guest bedroom.

He's so angry, he could punch these walls down. But he won't. He instead tries to breathe. Tries to calm himself before he rips these pillows to shreds with his teeth.

He fucking hates Xavier.
With his entire being, he hates this boy.

For some ungodly reason, the boy was transferred into Harry's physical education class. Rather than have the boys learn, their coach decided this would be the week to have them watch videos on healthy habits. Instead of paying attention, Xavier whispered bitter somethings into Harry's ear until he couldn't take it. The last straw was, "The moment I get the chance, I will fuck you up in ways you'd never think possible. But seeing the way you tremble when my lips are this close to your ear, it seems you might like that".

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