interview and celebration dinner!

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Shawna's P.O.V.

Im sitting on his lap as our interview sits in the chair across from the couch and the camera guys says were on. The interviewer smiles at the camera and says, "And were back with One Direction and the incredible Shawna Van as i promised.Now i have to ask the lovely couple, what happened to your hands?" Me and Niall looked at eachother and he said," Well i did something rather stupid on my birthday, i was being a drunken idiot and we ended up in a fight." He looked at me and i continued on saying,"Then i went to stay with Liam and the next day Niall was at home and i was still at Liams and realization set in for both of us and we both ending up letting our anger get the best of us." I smiled and let Niall finish the topic off by him saying," We both ended up punching a wall and shattering our hands, we were rushed to the hospital and had to get surgery.They put us in the same room and we ended up talking it out and fixing evrything." We looked at eachother and smiled, then looked back at our interviewer as she said,"Wow i have never heard that happen before and i must say you two are absolutely adorable together. I believe you two have an announcement for your fans?" we smiled and Niall said,"yes we do its rather important."  

Nialls P.O.V.

"Yes we do its rather important." as those word were spoken from myself i knew there was going to be hate from fans towards Shawna but with her by my side I know i can help her through it. I smiled at my beautiful fiance, looked at the camera and said,"Well to all our fans out there watching this, I proposed to Shawna and she said yes." I smiled at her and she continued by saying,"Me and Niall are going to get married, we love eachother with all our hearts and i could never hurt him i can promise all of you that one." She smiled and pecked me on the lips, and even though it was a quick peck I still felt the spark that i always do. The interviewer smiled and said,"Congratulations you two i hope you have a very happy life together!" Shawna smiled and said,"Thank you im sure we will because we will have eachother." I felt my heart beat faster with her saying that because its true, we will have eachother and nothing can change that.

2 hours later

The interview had just finished and we were all starving! So i spoke up and said, "Why dont we all go home and meet up at Nandos in a half hour so Louis and Zayn can get Perrie and Eleanor to come with us and we can have a celebration dinner on me?" They all smiled and agreed to it. Paul dropped the others off first and me and Shawna off last. Shawnas dog Champ came running to the door with his tail wagging like crazy because he was happy to see us. She smiled and said in a baby voice," Whos mamas boy? Are you mamas boy champers?" she kneeled down to pet him and i kneeled beside her to pet him as well, I have to admit i love this dog as much as she does. We stopped petting him and went up stairs to get ready to meet the boys and girls at nandos.

25 minutes later

After a five minute laughing battle to see who was going to drive i let Shawna win and she drove to Nandos so happily. We just arrived and got out of the car, She entwines her fingers with mine and smiles at me. We walk in and see the others have already gotten the big corner booth we sit in whenever we come here. We sit down and Louis looks at us and says, "HEY! LOOK ITS THE LOVEBIRDS!" He winks at us and Shawna smirks and says,"At least we are comfortable enough to fart around eachother unlike you two." Eleanor starts giggling and says,"We have farted in front of eachother before so we are comfortable around eachother." Liam shakes his head and says,"Can we not talk about this in a resturaunt?" Shawna giggles and says," Hold on theres one couple that didnt say if they have farted in front of eachother.Oh Zayn and Perrie! have you farted in front of eachother?" Perrie smirks and says,"Yep thats commitment bitch!" Zayn smiles and they hi five while Shawna is laughing so hard and so am i.

3 hours later

Shawna's P.O.V.

We just left Nandos and trust me that was more fun than you think. Im driving and i peek over at Niall to see him asleep in the passenger seat, i giggle and say to myself,"Oh Niallerbaby your so cute when your sleeping." after about 20 minutes i pull into our driveway and i turn off the car. I go around to Nialls door, open it, shake him and say," Babe were home got to get up to get in the house." He wakes up and stumbles his way to the front door, i unlock the door and he slips his shoes off and crawls upstairs into our room and right into bed not caring that he didnt change into pajamas. I follow his lead and slip into bed next to him, what a perfect way to end a perfect night.


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