Chapter 5: Memories

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((Author's note: This is author C~ I am gonna write this chapter until Chapter 8. Sorry for not helping author T, cause I was "busy". Anyways, Happy Reading~))

In a windy dark night, Cathleena was walking by herself. She was crying. 

"Why," Cathleena said between tears "Why did he have to?"

Cathleena felt heartbroken and lonely throughout the night. Suddenly, she heard footsteps. It was getting closer and closer. And after a while, it became really fast. Cathleena started panicking. She had nothing but her purse and phone. She was hopeless. She didn't know what lies before her. She had nothing to do. She turned and checked her head back, and she could see a man's shadow running, and getting closer. 

"Wh-who's there?" She murmured. The man did not answer. She had no choice but to run. She can't run properly because she was wearing heels,and she wore a light blue dress. She was really helpless. She ran for her life but suddenly, a root of a tree made her tripped. Her toes were injured,and she was just crying. Cathleena was too focused on her damaged toes, so she didn't even the man was in front of him already. By the time she noticed, the man covered her mouth. "WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" 


DIIINNNNGGGG!!!! Cathleena woke up and took a deep breath as she woke up from that deep dream, or was it? She got up, ate breakfast and got ready for school.  She went inside their car, and off she goes to school. By the time she arrived at Palasan High, it looks like someone was waiting for her. Jadine was waiting outside the school building. She had a lot of stuff she held. Cathleena stepped outside the car and went on ahead to the big campus.

"Oh ,CATHLEENA! Over here!" Cathleena saw Jadine waving her hands, and calling her over. "Who is she though..." Cathleena wondered. She had no idea who she was. All she remembered was that Anja was her friend when they were in 4th grade. 

"Cathleena!" The girl snapped out of her thoughts and walked towards Jadine. 

"Oh h-hi" Cathleena stuttered.  Jadine was really happy to see her friend again.Cathleena replied. 

"Cathleena, no need to be awkward here you know." Jhade replied with an elbow bump "We're already friends" Cathleena was nervous. This was her real first day.

 " I thi-" 

"C'mon let's get to class or else we will be caught by the devil." Jadine cut her off. They both were headed to their lockers, and went straight to class. When they entered the class, everybody was on their seats, ready. Jadine sat where she usually do, and Cathleena didn't know where she would sit. She just waited at the back. A few minutes later, Ms. Ribbon arrived. The first thing she noticed was Cathleena, standing at the very back of the room. 

"Cathleena, you will sit beside Casio." the devil said, she gives us the worst seating plans. The only thing that's missing from the woman are horns and a tail.

 "Ok." Cathleena followed and obeyed her. She was walking towards Casio and noticed his binders was empty. She took a seat beside him. Casio then said 

"Hi i'm Casio, nice to meet you." he said with a piece of paper in his mouth"I sit to the left of you in French but I couldn't greet you yesterday"

"Oh..h-hi, you got a little..something in your mouth." Cathleena said. 

"Oh this?" he tooked out the paper in his mouth and showed it to the whole class. "I'm just eating it, don't worry." Casio shoved the paper back into his mouth. "Okay class,today we are going to have a project. So with your partners,which is the person beside you, make your own thermostat with water bottles, straws,clay, food dye, and sharpies. I will give you each a sheet of paper and tell me how this works. Okay start!"

 "Okay, Casi-" Casio already ate the two papers for the explanations. "Um, we will handle that later." The devil spoke again 

"Find a lab bench to work on this one." Cathleena and Casio brought all of their things needed, except for the paper. 

"Let's get started." Cathleena said with a slightly worried face. On the other hand Jadine, with her partner Nicolette was doing well. "Okay Nicolette, grab the red food coloring on her table." Jadine requested. 

"NO." Nicolette grabbed the purple food dye and added it in the water "Purple is better"

Jadine just rolled her eyes, and let Nicolette be herself. Onto Bretto and Casio, they aren't doing it right. "NO BRETTO, ADD CLAY TO THE WATER." Casio suggested "No, Casio, relax. We need to add the food dye to the clay first." Bretto said. And last but not the least, we have Aliza and Anja who is doing it perfectly and right, and they are honor students by the way.The best of the bunch.

 "Okay so now let's just mark the room temperature, which is the one with no heat or cold applied, Anja, let's put it in the hot one now." Aliza suggested. 

"Ok sure." 

After a long tiring day in hell, it was finally lunch. Cathleena just walked straight to the cafeteria to get some food. 

"Cathleen, wait up!" Cathleena heard a familiar voice behind her. She turned around and it was Jadine.

 "So how did your project go?" Jadine asked. "It went well, but Casio kept on eating our research project." Jadine shot Casio a with her dark brown eyes. 

"What?" Casio said while trying to process the situation.

While they were chatting they didn't notice Sophia was walking in front of them. Cathleena bumped into Sophia and all of her food went to Cathleena. 

"OH, I'm so sorry." Cathleena said with a terrified look on her face. How can a 8th grader be that scary. 

"Watch where you're going." Jadine added. Bretto saw the scene and he ran towards Jadine. 

"Jadine are you okay?" Bretto said. 

"Yeah i'm okay, how about you Cathleena?" 

Bretto turned his head to the direction of the girl Jadine was talking about. He looked over at Cathleena with a shocked look. 

"Ca-Cathleena?" Bretto asked. 

"Yes. why? Do you guys know each other?" 

"" Kadeno saw the scene too. He ran towards the scene. 

"What is going on here Sophia?" Kadeno asked. Sophia had a very nervous face. "Um. nothing." "Come Cathleena let's clean you up." Jadine suggested. 

"Cathleena?" Kadeno asked, with a confused look, he swore that name was very familiar to him. Jadine and Cathleena left the scene which left them confused.

 "Cathleena is back." Bretto added. 

"Do you know who she is Bretto?" Kadeno asked. "Well, Cathleena was m-"

-End of chapter 5

((Authors note:This is author C~ This focused more on Cathleena and everybody's relationship with her. I hoped you like chapter 5~ ^^ 

T: "I edited some things and Chapter 6 will be out soon~"))

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