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Is this even enough to make a point, or prove something to you?
I wouldn't be surprised if you only shrugged your shoulders and smiled.

Knowing you, you'd probably tell me how heartwarming this passage was to you,
Or you'd respond back with something that has twice as much meaning.

But either way. I know that I'm willing to express myself to you.
I know I'm able to be the monster that many fear. Including yourself.

Yet, no matter how much I might scare you at times. I can rest easy knowing that I'll wake up the next more to you in my arms, or vice versa.
You've promised so many times not to leave me. And each time it reassures me. Though I continue to ask you this question... Just know that I'm just as insecure and cautious about some things as you are about me.

I over think my situations, and it only ends up hurting the both of us more.

And when I think I've taken things to an extent where not even you can withhold.

I will always be surprised by your caring voice, and the love you offer me in return of the problematic situations I put the both of us through.

I love you so much. Coming onto this place. I never realized I would be speaking those words. Ever.


I had a different track of mind. And the way things were looking out. I never really expected you to direct the same meaningful words back towards me.

I love you Armin.

I love you with all my heart.

I don't know how I'll ever repay you for being that guy that'll hold me at the end of the day. Even If I had behaved or not. 

I guess I'll just have to stick with you until death tears us from one another.

But until then...

Thank you.

I love you

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I love you.

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