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Happy Valentine's day Everyone! *Grins happily.* I hope you're all having a wonderful day! Be it just another reminder of most of us being alone and depressed. *Smiles innocently.* BUT SERIOUSLY! DON'T THINK OF IT LIKE THAT! It's just a holiday on an even day. Just like Friday the 13th~ It's all bullshit, and it really shouldn't affect you in any negative way at all! Nor should it give you a sudden urge to do things... If you find the need to suddenly express love and feeling to someone special or to the people that are close to you. Then honestly, you're just as dense as this holiday. *Grins.* No offense! But, I guess I might just be one of those dense people, I don't think I tell you guys enough how much I appreciate and love you all! You've all made me so happy, and you're always here to cheer me on or allow an ear whenever I need to FUCKING RANT. *Smiles and hugs you. Placing a tiny kiss on the top of your head and grinning.* I love you all dearly~! And I can't wait to love ya more~ *Winks.*

And now that I got everyone else out of the way- I think I should offer some of this cheesy romantic confession time to that little coconut I probably have in my bedroom at the moment. 

Armin Arlert, 

Man of words~ Possibly even strength~

I don't know if I've told you this already but...

I love you~

No, I mean, I love you, Like I actually genuinely share feelings that you know... Lovers share? - Like lust, love, happiness, anger, amazement, etc. That list could go on for ages, but, I'd rather save that for a very, very special day... 

*Smiles as I bring the ring up to my mouth and kiss it.*

Your dumbass had the nerve to propose to me... TWO TIMES. And each of those times you seemed to of made me cry, completely ball my eyes out. *Chuckles.* And, you know... It's just something that happens when I get happy. And I guess one of the things that make me happy is having you down on one knee... proposing your love, and how you wish to spend the rest of your life with me.

*Chuckles as I rock back and fourth on my heels.* 

I would've never thought I would be lucky enough to spend 6 whole months, full of so many fucking events, both bad and good... And, If I were given a chance to change anything, I wouldn't. I would leave every detail the same, every struggle, every heartache. Every happy and small moments we've had together. It's what's brought us here, it's what made us so strong in the first place as a couple... We bitch at each other at times, We get rough in bed, but I can't forget all the times we always seem to enjoy the company of one another... the love moments, in which I'm only sitting next to you, and my whole state of mind is at peace...

Armin... I want to make more of those memories. I want to continue to walk down a beautiful path, I want to continue to confess my feelings to you everytime I can. I want to be able to make you laugh, smile, grin, cry, huff, and moan. I want to be the cause and the end to all of those... I guess... *chuckles and takes a deep breath as I smile softly.* I guess what i'm trying to say is...

*Gets down on one knee. slowly pulling out a velvet box, and gently opening it to reveal a golden ring, the hints of emerald dug within the borders of it and laced gently with what seemed to be an ongoing event of sparkles as I smiled up at you.* 

Do me the favor... of making me the happiest dork on this god forsaken planet? With whatever time I have left, I want to be the one to protect and keep you to myself...

Will you marry me? Armin Arlert?


Or should I say.... Armin Jaeger?

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