Mike's Death

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Hi everyone! Tis your Favorite Admin chan!
('• ◡ •')

In case it weren't obvious, I'll be talking about Mike's death, and if it weren't even more obvious. 
There will be some major spoilers for attack on titan season 2 AND for Shengeki No kyojin Manga! If you wish to not know- Please stop reading here! Although it's too late now, You now know Mike Dies!!! Muahaha~ But for those who are nice and caught up like to good boys and girls I know you all can be! Let me share some of my thoughts On Mike's death in the most recent and fullfilling episode on Attack on Titan!


Finally! After so many damn fucking years of waiting and waiting and waiting, The Snk Fandom is finally blessed with the very much looked upon Season 2 of Aot. Our prayers have been answered, April Fools surely didn't fool us on this. We finally got what we have all prepared for! 

And it all begins on April 1st 2017

Now, There are so many damn great highlights that the show has already come through with! We connect with the characters that we have come to love and yearn for at the last part of the Titan being found inside of the wall. And our immediate fulfilling and strong Character is none other than our titan loving scientist, HANJI. I have never felt myself be so gay for a character like her/him. And it's so satisfying to finally see just how cold blooded and twisted our lovely Hanji Zoe is. Apart from her obsession with what Mankind fears the most, She also has this bad ass aspect that makes it almost IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to dislike her. The opening scene takes us on them finally seeing the titan peeking through the hole in the wall And introduces us to a very important character in the story. Pasture Nick. He's a dick bitch, And I personally don't like him, But he is a big part of the story, So no- I wouldn't get rid of him. He begs Hanji to whatever happens. DO NOT LET THE TITAN SEE THE SUN. And with that, they get on that and tarp the bitch. Hanji confronts Nick and nearly sends him to his death- After her sick joke, she throws him yada yada yada, AND THEN CUE THE BEAUTIFUL OPENING!!!! THAT I AM SO IN LOVE WITH! 

I would love to sit here and write about the whole ordeal, but I'm here one thing, and one thing only. To discuss Mike's death... But what exactly off?

On how I believe, Mike's death is by far one of the most Gruesome deaths there is in this fucked up Anime. That's basically a milestone for me to be saying, for we all know there are just so many heart-wrenching deaths in this show, It's kinda impossible to say which is the worst. But I'm more than willing to explain why and so forth.

First reason.

-He's dead, No matter what.

He has no way of surviving at all. He's low on stamina, He no longer has functioning maneuver gear. OH and his lower half is pretty much shit. He's basically left with nothing but the blades he holds in his hands, and the courage and whatever will still drives him. (Hence: You only lose when you give up/Stop fighting.) With all those in mind, It makes you somewhat just want to look away, CAUSE YOU KNOW somewhere deep in the pit of your stomach that it IS the end for this Character. 

Second Reason

- The Obvious Gruesome Death

This is obviously a big part of the tear jerker. I thought I was prepared for this, being caught up with the manga and knowing of Mike's death. It's always something about being animated that just makes everything so hard to fucking take. I couldn't fucking tear my gaze off of the screen the whole moment that Mike was dying, And I don't quite understand why people overlook this part; Many are calling Mike a Coward, A baby for screaming like a "girl". Let me just remind a couple of you things-

You would too.

Keep note that Mike was TORN apart. LITERALLY TORN APART by four other titans. He wasn't just eaten in one bite like others were. He was torn to shreds. His bones were crushed, Flesh was torn and ripped open, Organs erupted, Limbs tore off- AND SO MUCH FUCKING MORE. Anyone would fucking yell and scream, hell we all cower whenever we hit our fucking pinkie on a piece of furniture. So I will oppose on anyone who dares call Mike a Coward or a weak person. You are far from being right if you think of any of these things. May I remind you that Mike was Humanity's Strongest before Levi came into the picture? And not only that, Mike is the strongest Human being- Since Ackerman's have a sacred power that only runs in their bloodline, Sounds crazy- but it's true. Same going for Mikasa. In truth, Mike was a powerful and dependent man, He knew his death was going to come when he decided to take matters into his own hands and leave to distract the titans while the others escaped. He did it for humanity- he did it to save his comrades. It pissed me off that Mike is such an underrated Character- Mike wanted nothing but to save humanity, just like Marco and the whole Levi squad did. So why does Mike not get any recognition for it? That is just something I will never correspond. As well as the thought that he is this amazing character, and he is so fucking underrated. 

Third and Final Reason

-He was completely Shattered

This is probably what I fucking felt the most in this. As I've said before, Mike was a strong Character. A very strong one. He was willing to risk his own life in order to save others. And this whole ordeal, just cracked the man until he was basically dead- Mentally. Finally this saying fits something.


And mentally just happened to be one of them. He was confronted with a titan that he had never seen before, He was shocked when he saw him pick up his horse and throw it at him, thus making him fall off of the roof and into a titans grasp. And if that wasn't enough to fuck his mind up already, THE TITANS BEGINS TO TALK TO HIM, IN THE SAME LANGUAGE. There have been cases of titans talking in the past, But Mike has never been able to confront one doing so, especially not one that was this damn frequent in it too. Not to mention he watches the titan slowly reach in for him. At this point, fear has corrupted Mike entirely. He takes his 3DMG and just when he thinks he can still fight, he's remind that he is fucking out numbered with titans. The thoughts that must be over whelming this character. AND IF ANYTHING WERE TO SAFE MIKE PHYSCIALLY. he still would more than likely not be alive mentally.

Those are my reasons on why I think Mike's death was one of the most tragic, if not the overall MOST tragic in the whole series, Do you guys think this is pretty accurate? TELL ME WHAT YOU THOUGHT OF SEASON 2 DUDE, I'M STILL SO FUCKING SHOOK FROM IT.

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