All This Sentimental Stuff

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Glory: So. I woke up today. And I realized something. 


Tsunami: I AM NOT THE BAD! I'm in Sunny! I blew up at Thorn and she just stared at me like I needed therapy or something

Glory: Well what body your in doesn't really change the fact that you need therapy

Tsunami: Fight me!

Unknown: The unknown's have been switched, too.

Anenome: Yes because we all care about the Unknowns.

Unknown 2: Ouch. You're just cranky because you got switched with Kinkajou.

Anenome: I'm a rainwing. What's more is there to say?

Kinkajou: Ouch, like really, ouch. I don't know, I don't mind being a Seawing for awhile, I like your scales- though that's not much to really say because when I'm me I could be you but sort of but when I'm mean I don't have the you gills so

Anenome: ..Kay

Sunny: Oh, there you guys are. A lot of you guys have sort of, like, disappeared. For a long long time.

Kinkajou: Wow someone actually noticed we were gone. *ahem,* Coconut.

Coconut: I apologized... or something...

Qibli: ..................

Kinkajou: Qibli who'd you switch with?

Qibli: Coconut... it feels like some weird fruity acid trip... I'm no use to the queen like this

Thorn: Tsunami I don't know who you blew up at but it definitely wasn't me.. I'm in your mother's body.

Tsunami: Okay okay, so some people just straight up switched and others were randomly sorted? No, no this is not okay. This is not okay.

Starflight: Clay's stuck in my body- something about the body switch made uh... me- my? Person... body... go blind again. Redid something the admins did. So if you see a me wandering around aimlessly it's Clay- please make sure he doesn't fall off a cliff.

Sunny: ........................................................

Tsunami: Sunny who are you in...

Sunny: um..

Sunny: Peril.

Sunny: I... uhm... did something... on accident...

Peril: Welcome to my life. Every day.

Sunny: Who'd you go into?

Peril: Glory

Deathbringer: Meanwhile I'm unaffected and I'm getting a good laugh at all of this.

Glory: Oh don't talk to us

Deathbringer: Laughing isn't talking

Glory: Don't. Even. With me. Right now.

Anenome: I shouldn't even be involved in this! I was minding my own business!

Fatespeaker: It's... bound to get better I'm sure.


Glory: ...yeah he's in Kinkajou's body.

Riptide: And I'm in Jambu's isn't this a fun time

Tsunami: oKAY I'm all for reuniting and getting everyone together and all that sentimental stuff, but I want my body back!

Glory: ...Nice girlfriend you got there Riptide

Riptide: Yeah, well, still think she's cool

Tsunami: Ahem, hELLO? Missing the pOINT! I would like to have my body back!

Jingle: No, you don't.

Tsunami: Uh, yeah I do.

Jingle: You don't.

Kinkajou: Who's this? is this a girl or a boy? I like their name. That sounds cheery, but they dont sound cheery. Why?

Jingle: ...

Deathbringer: Hey dude why don't you have those weird dot side effect things?

Stonemover: Wait what is Jingle? Creature and... well, gender wise?

Jingle: None of you remember me- none of you would know me.

Unknown: None of you would remember any of us.

Unknown 2: And there's something we need to tell you

Unknown 3: ....

Queen Coral: Well? Spit it out, we don't have all day. Some of us actually have duties to attend to.

Tsunami: ...Mom your in a different body, your 'duties' are a little different at the moment I imagine.

Sunny: Guyss the unknowns were telling us something

Fatespeaker: Are you all unicorns?

Starflight: What?

Fatespeaker: Got it from the admins- er, former admins?

Jingle: It's... nothing

Sunny: Tell us!

Jingle: Well...

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