Glory: So. I woke up today. And I realized something.
Tsunami: I AM NOT THE BAD! I'm in Sunny! I blew up at Thorn and she just stared at me like I needed therapy or something
Glory: Well what body your in doesn't really change the fact that you need therapy
Tsunami: Fight me!
Unknown: The unknown's have been switched, too.
Anenome: Yes because we all care about the Unknowns.
Unknown 2: Ouch. You're just cranky because you got switched with Kinkajou.
Anenome: I'm a rainwing. What's more is there to say?
Kinkajou: Ouch, like really, ouch. I don't know, I don't mind being a Seawing for awhile, I like your scales- though that's not much to really say because when I'm me I could be you but sort of but when I'm mean I don't have the you gills so
Anenome: ..Kay
Sunny: Oh, there you guys are. A lot of you guys have sort of, like, disappeared. For a long long time.
Kinkajou: Wow someone actually noticed we were gone. *ahem,* Coconut.
Coconut: I apologized... or something...
Qibli: ..................
Kinkajou: Qibli who'd you switch with?
Qibli: Coconut... it feels like some weird fruity acid trip... I'm no use to the queen like this
Thorn: Tsunami I don't know who you blew up at but it definitely wasn't me.. I'm in your mother's body.
Tsunami: Okay okay, so some people just straight up switched and others were randomly sorted? No, no this is not okay. This is not okay.
Starflight: Clay's stuck in my body- something about the body switch made uh... me- my? Person... body... go blind again. Redid something the admins did. So if you see a me wandering around aimlessly it's Clay- please make sure he doesn't fall off a cliff.
Sunny: ........................................................
Tsunami: Sunny who are you in...
Sunny: um..
Sunny: Peril.
Sunny: I... uhm... did something... on accident...
Peril: Welcome to my life. Every day.
Sunny: Who'd you go into?
Peril: Glory
Deathbringer: Meanwhile I'm unaffected and I'm getting a good laugh at all of this.
Glory: Oh don't talk to us
Deathbringer: Laughing isn't talking
Glory: Don't. Even. With me. Right now.
Anenome: I shouldn't even be involved in this! I was minding my own business!
Fatespeaker: It's... bound to get better I'm sure.
Glory: ...yeah he's in Kinkajou's body.
Riptide: And I'm in Jambu's isn't this a fun time
Tsunami: oKAY I'm all for reuniting and getting everyone together and all that sentimental stuff, but I want my body back!
Glory: ...Nice girlfriend you got there Riptide
Riptide: Yeah, well, still think she's cool
Tsunami: Ahem, hELLO? Missing the pOINT! I would like to have my body back!
Jingle: No, you don't.
Tsunami: Uh, yeah I do.
Jingle: You don't.
Kinkajou: Who's this? is this a girl or a boy? I like their name. That sounds cheery, but they dont sound cheery. Why?
Jingle: ...
Deathbringer: Hey dude why don't you have those weird dot side effect things?
Stonemover: Wait what is Jingle? Creature and... well, gender wise?
Jingle: None of you remember me- none of you would know me.
Unknown: None of you would remember any of us.
Unknown 2: And there's something we need to tell you
Unknown 3: ....
Queen Coral: Well? Spit it out, we don't have all day. Some of us actually have duties to attend to.
Tsunami: ...Mom your in a different body, your 'duties' are a little different at the moment I imagine.
Sunny: Guyss the unknowns were telling us something
Fatespeaker: Are you all unicorns?
Starflight: What?
Fatespeaker: Got it from the admins- er, former admins?
Jingle: It's... nothing
Sunny: Tell us!
Jingle: Well...

Wings Of Fire on FACEBOOK
FanfictionWhat happens when the dragons of Pyrra get computers? What happens when Deathbringer becomes smitten with HASHTAGS!? You feelin down in the ground? Do you want something to laugh at? Sunny: YES! Well then come on down and read this book! It mi...