...The Heck is Wrong With Us?

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Okay so I figured I sorta owed you guys for all da dang authors notes. So, I will try to pour half my weirdness into this chapter. 

Deathbringer has updated his status

Feeling... Different...


Sunny: DO THE MACARANA ! ! !

Glory: Has ANYONE seen Pink?


Deathbringer: What...

Clay: --so THEN I told him, 'Whatever. Aye I am a Nightwing. Got that?' his reaction was AWESOME.

Peril: Thats so wonderful sweetie. Beer?

Clay: Sure.

Glory: Oh my gosh. Being Seawing queen is EXHAUSTING!

Deathbringer: Wait what?

Tsunami: Can't believe I'm the Queen of the Rainwings, isn't that wonderful my dear King Riptide?

Riptide: Ah yes. Very wonderful. Though I still say, Nightwings are better.

Tsunami: You wish!

Deathbringer: Whats going...?

Glory: Oh my GOSH Deathy do you HAVE to be SUCH a RAINWING? I mean come ON your KING of the SEAWINGS! Show some ENTHUSIASM!

Deathbringer: Since when are you...?

Glory: After I brutelly murdered my mother, Coral, for the crown.

Deathbringer: Uhh....

Glory: Please. Do you not know? Clay is the King of Nightwings, Starflight is the King of Mudwings, Sunny is the Queen of the Sandwings.


Glory: My my my. What prophecy is thou talking about? We have had yet no prophecy.

Deathbringer: F...For the war...

Glory: Oh my sweet dearie, we never have any wars of this world. No no. No reason. No purpose.

Deathbringer: ALTERNATE UNIVERSE!!!!

Queen Glory has updated her status

Has anyone noticed Deathbringer has been acting... Like my brother recently?


Deathy: Why what do you mean my sweet? We are King and Queen of the Seawings! Since when did you change your name to that wonderful Queen name? Oh well. I love it. It SO fits you.

Tsunami: Whoa, whoa. Whoa. SLOW down. Just SLOW down. She is NOT Queen of the Seawings.

Deathy: Yes of course she is! Tsunami you are Queen of the Rainwings and Nightwings!

Tsunami: Excuse me?

Deathy: Oh you are quite excused.

Starflight: This is getting stupid... Deathbringer give up the act!

Sunny: Please do.

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