Hey guys! (Might wanna read the VERY VERY VERY end of this)

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Alrighty, lets get this over with :P This is like an authors note, and I know you guys are probably like oh my gosh just get on with the stupid chapters already >:O U DO NOT HAVE 2 READ THIS THIS IS JUST A THANK YOU NOTE! *_* But u may wanna read dat very last para :P

So, I firstly wanted to say thanks to EVERYONE who has helped me along or given me ideas with their words to me or their AWESOME stories. The two that really inspired me were Percy_BlackAdder and MidnightDawn_ Their both so incredibly awesome, their stories are fun and mind grabbing. So thank you guys, so much.

I would also like to give a BIG thanks to all my readers out there, 10 votes and 540 reads? Oh my gosh I am literally freaking out right now. The reads have improved by 200 within 5 days, I'm so happy you guys. Thank you <3

Alright, last thing I want to say... Or... Type... Which is it? Eh... Whatever. Anyway, I am OFFICIALLY giving people permission to start a Wings of Fire Facebook, because I know I'm the only one. If you start one, please tell me, I would LOVE to read yours :D So you can make a WOF facebook if you really want too, or if you just wanna keep reading mine then fine by me. But I would appreciate it if you commented once in awhile. I feel like everyone reads my story then doesn't come back to it as if its trash D: Anyway... See you guys later...

^^hey this is future Silver

i sound like a brat saying this.

im sorry haha xD

i don't own the WOF Facebook genre, but as you can imagine, as a lil youngon who had scored jackpot in an untapped mine, it felt like mine, and i was proud of it

seriously though.

it was bratty and i apologize. if you made one, please tell me because I'd LOVE to read it! (you probably update more than me anyway)

kay enjoy the rest of your reading ;)

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