Chapter 12 - Interviews

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Ms. Hansen and a couple of others that the wolves felt were best were offered to stay behind and get some more coverage of the pack. Mr. Robinson had left quickly, with Zane glaring at him to speed them up, as both Adam and Zane felt that he was going to take a negative connotation to his reporting, and was glad they downplayed their animal side, and trying to get them to say how different they were.

Robinson had tried to separate from the group several times and go off on his own. They had planned for it, and had people monitoring the area around to prevent it. He had been quickly turned back, and acted like he had just made a mistake, but with three separate reports, it wasn't accidental.

Adam quickly sent a message out to Robinson's media director that he was not going to be permitted back, since he couldn't follow a simple request to stay with a group. Unless they fought it, they would not mention the other things they had sensed from him, nor the fact that although they had requested them to be scent free, he was basically drenched in it. The message should reach them before Robinson got into an area with cellular coverage.

Ms. Hansen and the two reporters who had been interested in a werewolf mate, were sticking around and had been granted a half hour one-on-one with the Alphas to find out a bit more, and some interaction of the pack. Both Adam and Brook had a good feeling for them, so had invited them to have a bit of a larger bite of their culture.

Ms. Hansen was going first, and they had decided to sit down in one of the lounges, that doubled as part of the library. It was a nice sitting room, and had a warm gas fireplace, behind a sealed fireplace, to protect the books. There were many chairs and couches. Light classical music was faintly played, as there were no voices to distract readers. It made for a nice place for a chat.

Adam had monthly orders of three hundred dollars of books, and the wish list that Jess and Joshua had of books from the pack grew faster than the budget, even with them working hard to get the best deals. There were members that bought their own books, then once they read it, donated it to the pack's library.

The members that were there glanced up then back to their books, knowing that an interview was going on. Those that wanted to keep quiet about being Were was known, and were kept out of sight of the reporters.

"Where are we?" Ms. Hansen asked the first question when the camera was rolling after doing the introduction. This interview wasn't being shot live, but would be edited and shown as part of the evening broadcast.

Zane settled for silently standing behind Adam and Brook while the interview happened. For the next one it would be Kat and the final one Melody. Their time had already been scheduled. In the initial interview the point had been made that someone would be watching.

"We are in one of the lounges we have for our pack." Adam started. "This is generally our reading room. It is one of a few that we have our collection of books. Various members have been collecting books for over a hundred years. We have many classics, but we also have a monthly budget to buy books."

"There are thousands of books here." Hansen replied, as the camera panned a bit.

"There are." Adam said, not wanting to discuss exactly how many they had. "Having a book budget is cheap when you have a large pack, since when buying food, clothes, and the such in bulk, it is cheaper."

"I have seen the numbers around here, and stories are that you eat much more than we do."

Brook laughed quietly as Adam answered, "We do; we are basically eating for two bodies. We have a large greenhouse and garden that we grow as much of the vegetables and fruit that we can ourselves, which saves a large amount. Another pack in the area owns a slaughter house, and they supply us with the chopped meat every three days. That supply fills an entire cube truck. Several farms send their meat there." He saw an opening, "That slaughter house not only employs many of the that pack, it also supports and employs many in the town it is on the outskirts of. They are run as a normal business, and pay their taxes."

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