Chapter 21

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Kristy Danst smiled at the TV camera's, "Welcome to the Daily Planet show. We have Dr. Dansen Holgren and Dr. Karlof Yvensky on our show today. We are here to discuss thoughts, opinions, and possible facts about Lycanthropy and global announcement that they exist and are not just stories." She smiled at both and waited for one to say something.

Dr. Holgren shook his head, "The term should be Were's, lycnthropy is specific to those who are turned to wolves. It doesn't include other types of Were's. Not totally sure of what generic term should be used for a variety of Were species. Werecanthropy maybe. It isn't something we have had to consider until very recently." He took a sip of water after speaking.

Dr. Yvensky shook their head, "It doesn't matter what we call it. They are real and that has been indisputably shown. One broadcast I could see being faked, but when there was six across North America, with three in Canada? Not to mention the others that were simultaneously done globally. We need to consider some things, first. Are they people, or are they animals? From my thoughts, they are people, or they would not have been able to hide so well."

Dansen knew his counterpart and he tended to be rather stiff and formal. He was a good scientist but tended to remain on the conservative side, "That is true Dr. Yvensky but we have to start somewhere. By giving something a name is the start of trying to understand something new. I do agree with you that they do appear to be people of a type. I watched the initial interview and also the follow up with Ms. Hansen. Up front, they do appear to want what most people want. Family, safety, to raise their pups, I believe that is the term, without fear of being persecuted."

Kristy gave both another smile, "For the moment why don't we go with Were-creatures? Now Doctor Yvensky, based on what we saw on the interviews how do you think this works? The change that is. How can it be explained?"

Dr. Yvensky shrugged, "I'm not sure what causes it, "From what is shown, we can rule out a potion or needing a skin. At this point, we don't have enough information. It doesn't seem to cause them pain, but I can't see how it isn't very traumatic to the body. It also has been shown that they have the ability if not from birth, from a very young age."

She turned to Dansen, "Do you have an opinion Doctor Holgren? I know everyone would like to know how a man, or woman can change shape like that."

He gave a very dramatic shrug, "As my esteemed colleague said, we didn't see any indication of them drinking anything or as with some myth's, a wolf or other animal skin. Though I hate being non-scientific, myth's have indicated magic, something passed down via a bite, or by birth. The actual mechanism I'm not sure. Maybe a fluid DNA makeup which allows the body to change."

Since there wasn't more she could ask about the change she asked a different question, "Dr. Yvensky, I am going to pull up some pictures on the monitor and I would like your thoughts. The first isn't the best but was from when Second Donovan was hurt. The second is from the interview. Can you explain why or how he looks early twenties instead of the mid thirty's he should be?" He was damn attractive but then again so were some of the other people in the room. They were all fit as well.

Dr. Yvensky did look at both pictures, "I am not sure, if he was human, he could be taking something or they have a skin treatment that is helping them stay young. Some myths say that they are immortal, but that would be very unlikely, or we would be overrun, and the Were would have replaced us. It could be they age differently than us, with the changes, it could be their body maintains a youthful look. It could also be they have a different lifespan." He shrugged, "Again, we don't have enough proof to answer the question definitively. I don't think it likely that he would be faking the name, as why use that one? He could use almost anyone, and have said his age was in line with what he stated instead.

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