Chapter 23 - Announcement

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After a deep breath, Adam continued, "One thing he had been able to fight through severe hypothermia and his own injuries, to check out Beth. She had the big artery in her leg cut, and would have been dead if she also wasn't in severe hypothermia and the blood flow to her limbs restricted. Still, she had only minutes to live when he bit her. That bite caused her wound to set, and started her turn. That Ladies and Gentlemen is when we do a turn without permission; when they will die without it. Doing it without permission when it isn't a life or death situation, and was intentional, means they will be considered Rogue. Being considered Rogue is paramount to having an order of execution ordered."

Many gasped at that and Adam waved off the questions.

Zane had been talked to by Adam and he cleared his throat, "I was rogue turned as some of you know. Being that he had turned me for no reason he forfeited his life due to that. When someone does a forced change such as the case with Beth", he nodded in her direction, "The life of the wolf rests in their hands. In her case, she chose to let the wolf live. Their life rested in her hands because once changed there is no going back. There isn't any way to reverse the change and the change is... There isn't really any way to describe just how different wolf life can be from human life."

Mr. Belvedere raised a hand, "What are your thoughts on what Alpha Wolfe just said?" It was an important question since it would show more about the wolves.

Zane clenched his jaw for a brief moment, "That is a very hard question to answer for me. The man who changed me, screwed my life up. I ended up in a coma for three months, my parents were killed and my sister badly hurt during that time. My human upbringing says one thing but my wolf side says something different. Because of what he did, a good portion of my world was destroyed. Why did he do it? I don't know and don't care, he deserved what Were law required."

One of the other reporters raised a hand, "Second Donovan, could you give us an example of a difference? Something we might be able to understand? About the differences that is."

He scratched his chin for a moment before giving the woman a slight grin, "Perfect example, think of when you have several dogs, when they sleep, in many cases, they tend to dog pile. After I was turned there were a number of nights my team wolf piled me for comfort. To a human having more than one person in bed tends to have sexual inuendo's. For wolves, it doesn't. With our children, we call them pups, it isn't uncommon to walk into a room and find a number curled up asleep in bed. It is like seeing a bunch of, well, puppies piled up. It is warm, comforting, and gives a sense of security."

"There are times when some of my team will ask to crawl in with Kat and me. Again, it doesn't mean anything sexual is going to happen. It just means they need comfort for some reason. Bad day, bad news, or even just need a good hug and to sleep with their team leaders." He glanced at Mr. Belvedere who indicated he had a question.

"If it isn't to personal, have you ended up curling up in bed with someone for comfort?" He was very interested in the answer.

He snorted, "Considering how I was turned, I did. I spent several nights in my former Alpha and Luna's bed. One of my junior wolves spent a number of nights in my bed comforting me. I also comforted her as well. As you know there was a court case we were involved in shortly after I was changed. Tessa's brother helped comfort my sister as well. As you know he is her mate and I think he noticed it early on, shortly after I extended my protection to them."

"We have no way to jail our criminals, as we will go insane if confined, and insane wolves or cats you don't want to deal with, trust me." Many nodded to that, realising that this was one of the differences.

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