Chapter 22 - Science!

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Layla Callahan had been on the phone, being passed up the chain of command for the last thirty minutes. She was starting to think about calling back later.

"Alpha Adam speaking. How may I help you," came from the phone and she wanted to jump for joy, she had made it through to him.

"Thank you for taking my call, Alpha." She started, respectfully. From what had been posted, an Alpha was closest to a Monarch in their job. They generally were born to it, or married into it, and they held it for life. "I am calling on behalf of a research group from the University of Calgary. We are not wanting to study you, but would like your help. We have a project that we would like to do on your territory, on studying the climate change. Since your area is left mainly untouched, and is controlled access, it is perfect."

"I'm intrigued. Would you be wanting researcher access to areas?" Adam replied and Layla could breath normally.

"Actually, we would like to train a couple of your pack members to do it, to minimize the impact." Layla replied, "My faculty didn't think I would even be able to get a hold of you, let alone you would be interested. If we get this project, I have some others, having werewolves on hand would be a large benefit. All costs would be covered, and they would be paid as specialists for this project, and at least research assistants on any others."

"I would be interested, but would need you and one other of your choice to come out. Due to the distance, we would offer rooms for the night." Adam explained. He preferred first meetings at his place, so he can smell how honest they were.

"Agreed... Umm... I'll need directions..." Layla agreed.

Adam laughed, "I wondered if you would get to that." He gave her the directions, and the GPS of the start of their private road. He also gave her his direct e-mail.


Adam greeted Layla when they arrived. He looked over the large man she had brought with him and nearly laughed. *Hiding still?* he commented to the cougar.

*I just haven't seen an opportunity to come out.* was the reply, *I hope you don't have a problem with me.* he replied, as he helped carry Layla's gear, keeping her oblivious to the silent conversation.

Adam grinned as Jess wheeled out a flatbed cart for them, at his request, "I'm Alpha Adam, and you must be Layla." He greeted her, "This is one of our Head of Domestics, for the pack, Jess."

Zane was standing slightly to the side and back as Adam greeted the woman. He remained silent, though he was sure he would be recognized. As of now, when Adam met others not of the pack or the treaties, Zane or Kat was there with him. Kat had done the last and it was his turn.  Adam had grudgingly given in, with the idea of better safe than sorry.

Layla gave Adam a proper were-hug, "Yes, that's me... I did the hug right? I did read up on the proper greeting for Were's." She said with a blush, "This is Toms Paredes, my assistant."

"Yes, you did", he replied, surprised. "Welcome, Toms." Adam said, and gave the mountain lion a hug. *We don't discriminate, and we do have another puma come through here time to time, but lately she goes to the Nam Cho Pride near here, since she is more comfortable with Bengal Tigers than Wolves. As long as you act as a guest, you will be an honoured guest.* As was normal, he had sent to Zane as well.

Zane smiled very slightly, *Don't forget Shawn, Adam. He is a part of a team and isn't a wulf like we are.* It was a teasing send and only to Adam.

Adam sent his amusement back to Zane over the joke. He guided them to the boardroom, "I have to say you were the first scientist that hadn't wanted to study us, as if we were just a new species of animal." He told Layla as they walked there.

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