Chapter 15 - Newspaper Report

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Adam smiled at the doctor, "So, everything in order?"

McCoy nodded, "Yes, although Dr. Keyes wants to inspect the vehicle first." He shrugged, "I don't see a problem there."

Adam nodded, "Lets go give Tommy the good news."

Lora nodded and smiled, "I don't know how to thank you enough."

Adam shook his head, "Pups are the most important thing, I would give my life to save each and every one." He told her solemnly. "You can do it best by being the best pack member you can."

Lora nodded and held the door open to the room.

"Well Tommy," Adam said with a smile, "You are getting out of here, and get to come with us."

"Yay!" he replied. "It's noisy here, I can't sleep well without them to give me something."

Adam nodded, "Well, you will need to just relax, as it is several hours drive to get there, but we'll tell you some on the way." They would tell him the exact details of the turn on the way there, and answer any of their questions.

Adam nodded, and stepped out to get the vehicle around to the ambulance entrance. He was glad he had upgraded his license to Class Two, since this vehicle qualified as an ambulance. Driving it in, Dr. Keyes was waiting there for him. Moving forward, he showed him the gear in the vehicle, and opened the back door.

"I can't thank you enough for helping Tommy, I just wish you could help everyone here." The doctor advised, as they signed off on the last forms and called for a Porter to move Tommy down.

"I wish we could too, but that is a very slippery slope. If we help everyone in that ward, then someone in another ward would demand to help, or wonder why we can't help their son that has been paralyzed for longer, that turning them would not give them back their legs." Adam said. "Then it would expand, to why we can't help the adults in hospital."

The doctor sighed, "Yes, I understand. And many would not be a right fit for your groups. How did they come to your attention, if you don't mind me asking?"

Adam smiled, "They applied through the membership request system I set up, that is accepting applications for many packs, that anyone can access. It does ask for a fair amount of information to help weed out those we don't want. Next, she had somehow found out our e-mail address and stated her case really well, without too much begging. The fact her application had cleared the first stages, and had worked hard to get the details we wanted, and was just waiting for reports to come back, and what was there seemed to support her case. The fact she was interested in kitchen work, where we always need experienced hands, was a big bonus for her. The application would eventually flag to us as to investigate, but only when it was complete. We could see that she was one of five positive in-progress applications at that time."

Doctor Keyes nodded as Tommy was wheeled in and slid into the back of the vehicle. Healer McCoy slipped into the hotseat in the back to keep an eye on him, hooking up some monitors, and making sure everything he might need was within reach.

Lora came up and gave the Doctor a hug, "Thanks for everything, and for not making this change an issue."

Dr. Keyes hugged her back, "Let me know how he does, I would like to know. I may look at visiting him in a few months." It was mostly personal interest. He had traded contact information with the healer. If he found another that was as good, he would have them do the application process, after confirming with McCoy that there was a good chance to help them. Then it would be up to the family.

Adam did a walk around and made sure everyone and everything was secure. He had filled the vehicle up before arriving at the hospital, so there wasn't a chance of running out. Hopping in, he nodded to the doctor, who opened the exit door of the garage, and they headed out. Adam grinned as he considered using the lights and siren to get clear, but decided it wasn't really needed.

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