Miriam Camistro [B-]

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Just to start this off- we want to say sorry if it takes a while for us to get to your OC. We just got a huge amount of requests so we are trying to power through them😹 thanks!

Name: Miriam Camisto

Age: 12

Gender : female

Sexuality: bisexual
ok, not to be rude, but do 12 year olds really know what bisexual is??
Back story: When she was little her parents became divorced and she was sad. This is nice because it's relatable. Also, both of her parents aren't dead so yay!
Her Dad dies of a car accident
and goes to live with her mom and step dad, she has a nice brother who is named Diego. When she gets her Hogwarts letter, her mom tells her her dad died because of Voldy and his death eaters, not a car crash. Ever since her dad died, she has tried to be super positive and upbeat.
Can I have an explanation as to why he-who-must-not-be-named wanted to kill her dad?
Personality: positive, upbeat, smart, has emotional breakdowns sometimes, SAME funky

Likes: candy, flying(is seeker for hufflepuff quidditch team), friends, family, Pygmy puffs(wants to be a Pygmy puff farmer when she grows up) she has three Pygmy puffs named Lux, Harmony, and Melody
cool I don't hear too much about Pygmy puffs in stories I read so that's a nice change.
Dislikes: mean people, peanuts, homework

Blood Status: Half-Blood

House: Hufflepuff
Her personality traits work really well with her house
Looks: is short and has short curly brown hair, but she dyes it all different colors, brown eyes, muscular
Different colors?  Eeek.
Style: she likes funky stuff so she and Luna get along well
Friends: Weaselys, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Mariposa(OC), Kyra(OC), Draco and Dylan(OC)
Ok- 1) Draco and Harry would not have a mutual friend, and
2) Draco would not befriend a hufflepuff
Enemies: Seamus and Jilliana(OC)

Crush/Love interests: Neville because they we're partners for herbology and became really good friends. A little bit Blaise but she knows Kyra likes him so she backed off
No OC crush?? I haven't read one where Neville is the love interest tho.

Mary-Sue: 60% her dad died and Draco would 100% not be friends with some who is friends with Harry, let alone, a Hufflepuff.
Originality: 50% I feel like since she doesn't have an OC love interest, at least it's Neville.
Interest:90% sounds like a good story
Statement: I'm bored please help me
Admin: Eliza💖

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