Fritz Zukowski (A-)

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"Fandom: Contemporary times. Imagine he's just another man you see walking down the street.
I'm guessing he's gonna be crazy or something
Name: Fritz Zukowski
Age: 22

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Human

Appearance: Fritz is 5'9" tall with a blocky frame  blocky? Like minecraft? and pin-straight posture. He is somewhat overweight at 172 pounds (average is around 164 lbs). At home, he wears slim-framed glasses. In public, however, he puts in his contacts.oddly specific (He believes that blocking one's face/eyes does not build trust.) ohHe has neat black hair and warm brown eyes. Fritz's teeth are remarkably straight, although yellowing. His skin is pale. Fritz is almost always seen in full formality. Yes he's definitely gonna be crazy

Extra: He suffers from a condition that causes him to cough and wheeze incessantly. Doctors have linked this to asthma, but it is currently undiscovered why his chronic cough does not disappear with the seasons. Does asthma disappear with seasons?

Personality: Fritz has a calm demeanor, especially in his role as a single father when parenting his children.good for him ("The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience, my dear.") He has a tendency to treat his children as adults, with a quiet persistence for them to think for themselves. He can trust himself when all men doubt him, but make allowance for their doubting too. Fritz is gentlemanly, and strictly lives by "The Golden Rule." However, he often judges others in private. Me too. Except I sometimes judge them to their face Fritz is a perfectionist, and holds very high standards for others and himself. He is easily disappointed. Fritz is unable to lose, and lose gracefully. He is obsessive, and also rather observant. Fritz is able to read expressions like he can read a clock. With this comes the ability to decipher lies easily. His consistently old-fashioned and dry professional attitude has lead to distanced relationships with others, including his own children.


He has been diagnosed with OCD, and his obsessions and compulsions often lead to overreactions and paranoia. e.g. Panicking about whether he locked the door; drives back home to check." Eek wow. Well he's not crazy but he is OCD. Make sure you do that accurately, but based on the description I think you will
Overall, he good. Not a Mary Sue but is your sorry just about an OCD dad parenting his kids?
Mary Sue Rating: 0%
Originality Rating: 90%
Interest Grade: 70%
Statement: I haven't even scratched the surface have I
Admin: Angelica

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