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                      (Toy chicas pov)
   Toy chica point of view:have you seen mangle around?chica said to the servant No I haven't the servant said wait mangles missing how did she escape?!I started running to her room I opened it,it's all silent and empty But something caught my eye I saw the window opened and there was a rope also I think mangle jump of the window,I wonder if she made it down or she fail and got serious hurt!I have to tell the guards to go look there I started to walk out of mangles room and close the door behind me
  Guards come here!!!!!I yelled then I heard shuffling noises getting closer the guards came
  What seems to be the problem princess?Guards said serious
Go outside and checked if mangle is there now!I said
  Right away princess!guards said running outside to look if mangle was there
                   (Five minutes later)
  (Still tc pov)
  Guards came forward me
   Did you find her I said
No princess we didn't find her but we did find footprints leading to the sea and the footprints stopped there guards said
    guards get a search boat to look for mangle I said
   We will princess Guards said started to get ready
  I wonder where mangle went,we need her back to the castle before the prince from the kingdom comes We will force her to marry that prince because he's wealthy mangle refuse to get marry with him so we decided to lock her up so she doesn't run away but now she did we have to find her now!
            (Mangles pov)
  I see foxys sharping his hook am sitting next to him staring at his charming face he notices Am starting then turns at me
    Lass what ye staring at?Foxy said I didn't response I just started blushing and looked away a second passed I turned back he was sharping his hook again
   Am I cute that's why ye staring at me foxy said smirking That made me blush more
    Yes that's why I said He then finished sharping his hook and started to come closer to me His lips press against mine       I started to kiss back I felt his hand hand down my waist he began rubbing my back gently then he started to get close to my ear
   Your perfect foxy said purring his tongue then touch my lips asking for his tongue to enter my mouth I open my mouth I felt his tongue enter he started to explore inside my tongue I felt so much pleasure we continued doing this
                    15 minutes later
                    (Still mangles pov)
   (Yawn)I was sleeping but I heard the door knocking hard I got nervous I will wake Foxy up
   Foxy wake up!!!I said
    Yes lass?Foxy said sleepy
There knocking on the door can you go get it?Mangle said
  Lass you open it foxy said falling back to sleep I guess I will open it I got up from bed and started walking to the door and open it slowing I saw Bonnie at the door scared and panicking
  What's the matter!?I said
A another ship is attacking us throwing canon balls we have to act fast Bonnie said I didn't want to wake Foxy up so I went back to the room and got a sword and another stuff I might need I then heading out seeing the crew trying to fight back
    Freddy and golden Freddy were throwing canon balls at the other ship causing little of explode at the ship Then a big canon ball hit our ship hard causing fire I have to act fast and get everybody to safety
  Guys let's go before this ships burns down let me get foxy I said running to foxys room but there was fire there already foxy is in danger!!!I ran in
  Foxy wake up we have to go!!!I said yelling he didn't respond I started to shake him he moved A little and open his eyes his face looked weak
  Lass your here let's get out!foxy said
I carried foxy out the room then the room burned,I saw the crew getting out a emergency boat and threw it out the ship then they jumped off using a rope
   Lass let's jump Foxy said weakly
Foxy I have to get supplies before we leave I will be with you after am done I will tell them to catch you I said
  No lass it's too dangerous please Foxy said
   Am sorry foxy we need supplies I said
      Guys catch foxy!!!I said I threw foxy then they catched him I started to go get emergency supplies then the fire started to rinse up I got the swords and food and clothes then when I was about to jump off.......I was trapped there was no way out
                  (Foxys pov)
    I saw the whole ship almost filled with fire and mangle is in a lot of danger she needs me!!!This is all my fault this wouldn't have happen if i refused to wake up!I need to safe her I started to feel better I stood up
   Captain you must lay back!!Said my crew
   I won't mangle is in serious danger I need to safe her I grabbed my sword and got the rope that was still hanging I climb up on the boat it was horrifying there was fire everywhere,Where could Mangle be!!!
    Mangle where are ye!!!!I yelled
      Foxy?!I heard mangle said
I started to run where I heard her call then I spotted her on the ground I ran to her side
    Foxy you came for me?Mangle said weakly
I did lass now let's go!I said
  Foxy go without me mangle said weakly
  No I won't go without you I said
There's no time now go mangle said weakly
    Let me die now go safe yourself she added
No mangle I won't do you want a future together?I said
  I do foxy mangle said weakly
Then let's go plz mangle I love ye so much your my everything without you am nothing I said
She began to shed tears and began closing her eyes I refuse I picked her up  and started running and jumped of the ship landed on the boat that was waiting for us I lay her down then we started to leave someone safe to live
To be continue






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