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(Toy chicas pov)
I saw a island with a house there,Mangle might be in there
Guards let's go to that house on that island!I yelled
Right away princess!Guards said

(Mangles pov)
I woke up seeing foxy next to me he was deep sleeping and snoring which made me giggle I stood up and walk out to get some fresh air I walked out the door and went to the garden I saw this beautiful lovely bright rose that caught my eye I went over to it and picked it the flower I smelled it,it has a sweet scent it made me happy and filled me with delight and energy I started to spin my self around
(Toy chicas pov)
I was just looking out the ship then all of a sudden I saw mangle on the island I was right mangle was there!I have to tell the guards to capture her right now!
Guards mangle is on that island capture her and bring her back to the ship!I said
Right away princess Guards said
(Mangles pov)
I started to dance around happily then when I started to hear a ship sound coming closer to the island strange why would someone else be here,it's only us on this island I started walking where I heard that sound then I saw something horrifying I saw toy chica and the guards on the island!!!!there looking for me*steps on branch*Oh no darn it they most have had heard that I was right they did then they saw me
Let's get her!!!guards said running at me I started running away back to the house
Help Marionette!foxy!!!bonnie!!I yelled
Plz help me I yelled still running to the house then I felled down I didn't make it the guards were in front of me then they grabbed me and started to take me away
(Foxys pov)
*yawns*I was woken by yells I wonder who was yelling it sounded like mangle I looked to my side and mangle wasn't there!I have to look for mangle I got up and heading outside I then step on something I looked down on what I have step on,it was a flower it looked like it was picked up recently and I know it was mangle she loves flowers a lot,I then saw footprints on the sand I started to follow it I looked up and I saw a ship leaving mangle might be in there!I have go and get her
(Mangles pov)
The guards tied me up in ropes so I didn't escape from the ship I hope foxy comes and saves me I then saw toy chica coming over to me
You won't be able to escape this time mangle!Toy chica said I glared at her madly
You should also be glad that we saved you from those pirates!Toy chica yelled
I didn't want to be save!I yelled
I was perfectly fine!I added
Are there your friends?Toy chica said
Yes,in fact I have a lover also I said
And I love him very much!I added
What!!?you can't love a captain there wild,thiefs,killers Toy chica said
That's not true there very friendly and kind!I yelled she then slapped me hard leaving me a mark on the face I whimper
It's true Toy chica said leaving me alone tight up I then saw a fast crimson red figure jumped On the ship then I saw who it was,it was foxy he came for me
  Foxy am over here!I said he turned around and ran to me
  Lass I found you!Foxy said giving me a hug and kiss my cheek
Lets get out of here mangle foxy said
Foxy am tight up in this rope I said he then saw I was wrapped in a rope he got out a sword and cut the rope
There lass let's go Foxy said he grabbed my hand and we started running
   Where you think your going!?Toy chica said oh no!!
    To be continue

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