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                       (Normal pov)
      Foxy and mangle and the crew also Marionette walked out the house as they waved bye to lolbit and they got on the ship and started to sail away
                        (Mangle pov)
   I can't believe am going back home am so nervous going back what will the others in the kingdom say when I return I had many thoughts running through my head I was interrupted by foxy
      Lassie are you okay you seem nervous foxy said concerned am going lie I hope he doesn't read my mind
   Yes am fine don't worry am fine I said with a fast speed foxy put his paw in my shoulder and pulled me closed
     You sure mangle you really don't look good foxy said oh no he just read my mind
    Okay I will admit am feeling nervous foxy I said looking down
   Whatcha feeling nervous lassie?foxy said
    I feel nervous because what will the others say when I return back to my kingdom especially my rude sister I said looking back up into his eyes
    Don't feel nervous lassie they won't say anything bout ye if that chicken says anything I will slice her throat foxy said laughing he made me laugh
  That's what I like to see don't be nervous or sad lassie foxy said hugging me
   Ok I won't foxy i said hugging back foxy more tight
                           (Time skip)
We arrived in the castle,we got out the ship foxy grabbed my hand as we started to walk inside the castle people started to stare at us then ugh!!!I saw toy chica coming over with a evil smile
    No time no see mangle who's this?!toy chica said
  This is foxy who's soon gonna be my husband I said
     Well nice to meet you handsome toy chica said winking she made me growl
       Follow me you two am gonna show you your room chica said leading us to our room we then stopped on a big door chica opened it up we walked in it was huge there was a king size bed there was golden medal stuff
      Wow it's so amazing I said
I agree foxy said with eyes wide open and his mouth opened in surprise
  Well enjoy your room I have to go do stuff chica said as she left the room
                      (Toy chica pov)
  Ugh....mangle is a brat!!why does she has to be lucky she gonna become queen!!!and she has someone to love her that's so handsome I have to do something to separate them both!hehehe I have to plan my plan
                       (Foxy pov)
  Mangle am gonna go downstairs to get a drink want something?I said
   Yes can you bring me a plate of chicken with Lettuce in the side with chocolate pudding mangle said
  Of course lassie stay here I will be right back I said as I walked down the stairs I walked to the kitchen I then felt someone following me I didn't turn around I just kept walking and doing my thing I started to prepare my drink and mangles food when I turned around to get something I saw toy chica looking at me 
     Hello cutie whatcha doing?toy chica said what a creep!
   Making myself a drink and food for mangle I said
   That's so nice of you to do toy chica said as she started to get closer to me and she put her hands on my shoulder I started to get uncomfortable
   Umm whatcha doing lass?i said with one eyebrow up
   This toy chica said as she started to kiss me I tried to pulled back but I couldn't
                     (Mangle pov)
   Strange why is foxy taking so long am worried I will go check on him I walked down the stairs carefully to the kitchen then I saw foxy and toy chica kissing......I thought foxy loved me he kissed toy chica tears started to run down my face
      Foxy!!!how could you do this to me!!?I said with anger and sadness foxy turned around to face me
   Lass this isn't what it looks like!she pulled me in foxy said I didn't believe him!
    I don't believe you lier,I can believe you did this to me when am pregnant with your children you know what foxy it's over!!i don't ever want to see you ever again!!I said as I started to run away
   Lass come back let's talk plz!foxy said as he ran behind me
    Get away!!!!I said
  Mangle cone back!Foxy said I started to feel like I was gonna black out I ran to a room and lock the door,and then I hold my stomach protecting it I then fell over and blacked out
                       (Foxy pov)

I ran behind mangle she went inside a room and locked it I then heard something fall inside I think it was mangle and she's in danger I can't go inside because it's lock grrrr.......I hate that chicken to much she ruined our relationship she's such a slut I have to get mangle back
             To be plz and comment also



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