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(Mangles pov)
I woken up seeing foxys arms wrap around my belly protective way I try to get up but foxy won't let go
Foxy can you move your arms plz I said foxy began to move
No lassie yer staying here with me Foxy said bringing me closer to him and began to cuddle me with and purred
Foxy plz can I get up I said
No your staying here if you want food or anything else I will bring it to ye foxy said
But foxy am not even sick or
close to my due day so I can get up!I said I started to get up
I don't care lassie am protecting you for your own good Foxy said foxy pushed me back to bed
Fine........I said laying back down
That's my princess Foxy said kissing my forehead
I want to go on a walk I said
That means I will go with ye foxy said
Ok........I said foxy helped me off of bed and we started walking to go outside
(Time speed)
We walked through a beautiful garden with a lots of bright color flowers and plants it felt so peaceful so quiet and calm.......until foxy tripped and fail I giggle and he chuckled
  Ye really think it's funny lass? foxy said
   Yes your funny also a silly pirate I said He then began to tickle me
  Foxy stop that it tickles I said
Hehe not until ye say sorry for laughing at me and calling me silly pirate foxy said smirking
  Am sorry foxy I said he then stop tickling me then it was a awkward silence until I heard footsteps coming closer to us I turned around it was Marionette
   Mangle let's go with my friend so you can find out the gender foxy you can come Marionette said
  Ok marionette I said we began to leave to a magical forest
                            (Time speed)
     Here we are we just need to knock on the door and she will answer Marionette said she began to knock the door open to reveal a fox like me and foxy she had white fur and her eyes were black with white pupils on the middle she had color orange on her ears and belly and the tip of her tail with a pirate hook 
     Hello Marionette I see you brought friends with you She said looking at me and then at foxy
    Yes I brought some friends I came here so you can tell us the gender of the pup of my friend mangle Marionette said
   Well congratulations mangle!By the way my name is lolbit I will tell you the gender come inside lolbit said we walked inside it was so magical inside
There were spell books on the shelfs and she had a crystal ball
    I will use this crystal ball Lolbit said she move her hands around the crystal ball
   What gender is mangles precious little one?Lolbit said she was still moving her hands around the crystal ball then her eyes wide open
   Your having a girl but your also expecting another one two and it's a boy so there twins Lolbit said my eyes went wide open omg am having twins,am so happy I hugged foxy
   Congratulations you two lovely foxes Lolbit said
  Thank you me and foxy said we then said bye to her and left
  Lass am so happy Foxy said 
Me too foxy I said 
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